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Today there are many people who would rather buy products or services online than attend a place in person.
This trend is a reality all over the world, especially since the pandemic began in 2020. In this context, Chile is also part of this new digital behaviour.
To confirm this, there is a study called “Radiography of e-commerce”, conducted by CFK and Mercado Libre, in which it was revealed that 94% of people in Chile state that they have made a purchase in the past six months, which means that the figure is up 11 points compared to what It happened before the health crisis.
Fear of buying online
With the arrival of 2022, advertising campaigns to promote online ticket purchases, seasonal products and various offers in the summer intensify, increasing the presence of cybercriminals.
Many identity theft email scams arrive through a system called (phishing); For this reason, you should be very careful when an email arrives offering special promotions and tempting bank loans.
In order not to fall into the trap of frequent online scams, Google shares some security tips to protect yourself from cybercriminals:
Use stronger passwords
To prevent key theft, it is recommended to create a password for each account. Make sure the keys are hard to guess and are at least eight characters long.
Use a password manager to make creation and use safe. A Google Key Manager has been added to Chrome, which can be used on Android phones.
Set up the safety net
To prevent leakage of personal data, it is advised to keep phone numbers and emails updated so that banks and service providers can communicate with the user as soon as possible, in case such suspicious activity is recorded.
If using a Google account, any security issues that occur can be reviewed with a security check. In addition, through this tool, you can run a password review in case it has been breached.
Check suspicious links, URLs and links
Identity theft is called “phishing”, is a method that deceives users into revealing banking or personal information; These can be passwords or financial information.
This scam method can come in many ways, one of the most used is access to fake websites.
To avoid getting caught in identity theft, you should never enter suspicious links, and to verify this, you can place your cursor (for a computer) on the link without clicking, or in the case of a cell phone, keep your finger on it and you will see how the name of the site is. The most important thing is that the link name should start with “HTTPS”.
Do not download any file
Some attacks launched by cybercriminals come through PDF files or email attachments. If you receive a suspicious attachment, use Chrome or Google Drive to open it.
In this case, Google will scan the file automatically and a virus warning will appear.
Knowing the risks and solutions that Google faces are the first steps to making your Internet experience safer and more responsible.
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