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A woman who fed pigeons in Spain was forced to pay a £25,000 fine  the world

A woman who fed pigeons in Spain was forced to pay a £25,000 fine the world

Las Teresitas beach in Tenerife.

Photo: Nicholas Economou / SHUTTERSTOCK EDITORIAL / IBL

Santa Cruz Tenerife.

Photo: Cornelia Nordstrom

Feeding pigeons in public is illegal on the Spanish island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands.

Anyone who violates the municipal law faces heavy fines of up to 3,000 euros, which is equivalent to about 33,000 Swedish krona.

But a woman in Swedish paradise defied the ban on at least two occasions and fed pigeons in public.

The last time she was standing between Calle San Francisco Javier and Calle San Juan Bautista in Santa Cruz she did just that.

She has now been fined €2,250, the equivalent of 25,000 kroner, Canarian Weekly reports.

“You will still be fined.”

Carlos Tarif, deputy mayor of Santa Cruz, says feeding pigeons leads to an “uncontrolled overpopulation” of the birds.

– We will continue to fine anyone who feeds pigeons, says Carlos Tarif, according to the newspaper.

Pigeons can transmit many diseases, cause serious damage to architectural heritage and urban furniture, resulting in a significant financial burden on public funds and attract rats and cockroaches.

At the same time, Mayor José Manuel Bermúdez stressed that this was a “serious crime” because the woman had previously been fined for feeding pigeons.

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