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Andromeda Galaxy or Draconids: October Astronomical Events Observable from Mexico

Andromeda Galaxy or Draconids: October Astronomical Events Observable from Mexico

(Photo: Quartoscuro)
(Photo: Quartoscuro)

October has already begun and in the tenth month of the year the great heroes of heaven will be shooting stars.

He will be the first to cross the sky the Dragon. They can be observed for a few days, between October 6 and 10, and will record their peak activity on Friday night 8. Although they are not as active as the Perseids in August or the Geminids in December, they will give us a good chance of spotting their flashes, as they will leave at least 20 meteors per hour, as stated National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics, and Electronics (INAOE).

Soon, they will arrive Jabbar. The name may not sound familiar to you, but you definitely know the source that produces it: Halley’s Comet. These will be visible throughout the month, but the best time to see them would be October 21. That night we will see up to 15 meteors per hour in the direction of the constellation Orion. The bad news is that the brightness of the moon can hinder the display, because a day before the Earth’s satellite will be in full phase.

In addition, astronomy enthusiasts should note other important dates on the calendar. On October 1, for example, we’ll be able to see a file asteroid 40 harmony, one of the rocky bodies of the asteroid belt, a region located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. According to INAOE, it will appear next to the constellation Pisces, at 19:10 pm. Its magnitude will be 9.5 on the Richter scale, it will reach 1173 astronomical units, and to reflect on this, it will be necessary to use a telescope or binoculars.

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Throughout the month, it will be possible to see the Galaxy M31, known as The Great Andromeda Galaxy. It would be well located towards the northeastern part of the celestial sphere. This spiral-shaped giant is known for its cannibalistic behavior. This was revealed in 2019 by researchers from the Australian National University (ANU, for its English acronym)In the past 3 million years, Andromeda has overrun other smaller galaxies, is increasing in size more and more.

The October sky will also leave us with beautiful planetary connections. On the ninth day, the moon will appear next to Venus. On the 14th of the month, Saturn will guard the satellite, and just a day later, Jupiter will be his companion.

The full moon will be on October 20, and on the 28th we will see Venus in split. That is, half of the planet will appear lit. Also, on October 31, we will have to turn back our clocks as we will move on to it winter time. We leave you here the complete list of astronomical events so you can jot down your favourites.

(Image: NASA)
(Image: NASA)

Astronomical phenomena for the month of October

* October 1st: asteroid harmony will be in opposition.

* Fourth of October: Galaxy NGC 253, also called Sculptor’s Galaxy or Silver CoinIt can be seen in the sky, in the constellation Sculptor.

* 6 October: new Moon.

* October 8: meteor shower the Dragon. It can be seen from October 6-10, although the maximum will be on the night of Friday 8 and in the early morning of Saturday 9. At least 20 meteors will fall per hour and will be seen in the direction of the constellation Dragon.

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* October 9: coupling Moon and Venus.

* October 11: Saturn ends its retrograde motion.

* October 12: Crescent moon.

* October 14: Moon and Saturn conjunction.

* October 15: Moon and Jupiter conjunction.

* October 17: The dwarf planet Eris will be in opposition.

* October 20: full moon

* October 21: Orionid meteor shower. They can be observed from October 2 to November 7. The peak will be on October 21, with an average of 15 meteors per hour. It is a remnant of Halley’s Comet and its radiation is located next to the constellation Orion. The moon can make observing difficult.

* October 28: The last quarter moon.

* October 31: Fornax A (NGC 1316) galaxy will appear in the constellation Furnace, to the southeast of the celestial sphere.

* October 31: start in winter time.

* For a whole month: Andromeda Galaxy M31, will be in a good position for observing throughout the month, toward the northeast of the celestial sphere, in the constellation Andromeda.

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