The pink super moon of April will be one of the major astronomical events in the first quarter of 2021. It is the largest and brightest full moon in this entire year, which can be seen with the naked eye in many parts of the world and in a very special way in America.
The massive and unusual appearance of the star is due to the fact that the moon will pass through it Bigio, That is, the closest point to Earth within the elliptical orbit at which the satellite travels around the planet. To be more precise, the distance between the two celestial bodies will be approx 357,591 km, Which would also favor tides.
Despite what the event’s name might suggest, the moon will not appear pink. However, its sheer size and magnificence will amaze fans of astronomy and the general public. Find out in this note the date, times and recommendations for enjoying this wonderful event.
When will the pink supermon be seen?
The supernatural pink moon can be appreciated On the night of Monday, April 26 and in the early hours of Tuesday the 27th. However, the full moon can also be seen the day before and after the 26th.
The Moon is located 357,000 km from Earth. Photo: AFP
At what time can pink Supermoon be seen?
Welcome to Supermoon 2021 pink may start at the following times, depending on the country:
- Peru: Monday, April 26 at 10.31 pm
- Mexico: Monday, April 26 at 10.31 pm
- Colombia: Monday, April 26 at 10.31 pm
- Ecuador: Monday, April 26 at 10.31 pm
- United States: Monday, April 26 at 11.31 PM (Eastern Time) and 8.31 PM (PDT)
- Venezuela: Monday, April 26 at 11.31 pm
- Bolivia: Monday, April 26 at 11.31 pm
- Paraguay: Monday, April 26 at 11.31 pm
- Chile: Monday, April 26 at 11.31 pm
- Argentina: Tuesday April 27 at 12.31 am
- Uruguay: Tuesday April 27 12.31 am
- BRAZIL: Tue Apr 27 at 12.31 am
- Spain: Tuesday April 27th at 5.31 am
Where and how do you see the supernatural pink moon?
The Pink Super Moon can be seen anywhere in the world, but especially in high altitudes, clear skies and free from light pollution. To see it, It won’t be superfluous to have telescopes, binoculars, or any other special equipment, Although you can use it to more enjoy the astronomical event.
The pink giant moon will be the largest full moon in 2021. Image: EFE
Why is it called Pink Supermoon?
The pink Supermoon name does not mean the satellite is acquiring this color. In fact, the designation originates from mossy phlox o Pink mossIt is a wild plant that grows this spring in the United States.
For its part, the prefix “super” is due to the fact that this is the largest and brightest full moon of the year due to its proximity to Earth. The ‘superlunasThey are defined as those occasions when the moon passes less than 361,000 kilometers from our planet.
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