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Asked for help on Twitter – He died of suspected Corona

The situation is getting worse every day in India



Time and time again, Vinay Srivastava, 65, has been denied care in a hospital.

Then he started tweeting desperately, asking for help.

For every tweet, the level of oxygen in his blood decreased. After two days, he could no longer take it.

Healthcare in India has been pushed to breaking point due to the second wave of pandemics. The country has now surpassed Brazil and only the United States has confirmed a confirmed infection in the world.

On Thursday, nearly 315,000 new cases of infection were recorded – the highest daily number for any country during the entire pandemic. On Friday, the dismal record was broken again with 332,921 newly injured.

A vaccine queue in Mumbai, India.

Photo: Rafiq Maqbool / T.

A vaccine queue in Mumbai, India.

Behind the numbers are people. Those desperate to seek care, but are not admitted to overcrowded hospitals. Indian media – traditional and social alike – are filled with stories like this.

A son travels from city to city with his HIV-positive father and an oxygen tank in the back seat Without being accepted by any doctor. The mother needs to be changed to hospital when the oxygen is running out He spends the last 36 hours of his life waiting for an ambulance that never arrives.

Missing letters of recommendation

Then we have the story of Vinay Srivastava. He’s getting media attention all over the world right now and he’s not without reason.

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The 65-year-old, a journalist by profession, was a patient suspected of having symptoms of COVID-19 and was bedridden at his home in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, northern India.

His son was desperately trying to get to a hospital to receive him. But Vinay Srivastava did not have a letter of recommendation from the chief physician, which is a state requirement for Corona patients to receive care at all.

Three different hospitals refused entry to the 65-year-old, Newsweek Reports.

Resume on Twitter

On Friday, April 16th, Vinay Srivastava turned to Twitter in despair. For two days he asked for help and with every tweet, the oxygen in his blood decreased.

95 percent are considered normal and less than 88 percent are worrisome, according to Newsweek.

Already on Friday, the oxygenation of Vinay Srivastava was much lower.

Doctors and hospitals in our state have become tyrannical. I am 65 years old and my son Spondylitis This caused my oxygen to drop to 52 and no laboratory or doctor in the hospital answered the phone, ”he wrote in a tweet to Minister of State Yogi Adityanath.

Son Harshett never gave up fighting for his father. When he was repeatedly deprived in the hospital, he tried to have an oxygen tank. Finally, he had to borrow one from a relative. It is empty.

– I went out in the middle of the night to fill it up. There was a long queue for that, too. I had to fight with the others to save my father, Says son of the Indian newspaper The Print.

By Saturday, the oxygenation of Vinay Srivastava had decreased even more. Post pictures on a pulse oximeter that measures the level of oxygen in the blood. The number in light blue showed 31 percent.

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He tweeted, “When will someone help me?”

Meanwhile, Son Harshit tried to persuade the chief physician at the local hospital to write a letter of recommendation so that the father would receive care. The guards stopped him at the door.

It was then that he met the journalist from The Print who made this story famous.

– My father has been a journalist for 30 years, Harshett’s tearful eye told a reporter.

He helped people throughout his career and spent all his savings on helping people in need during the pandemic. But when he fights for his life, no one can help him.

The minister acted after death

On a Saturday morning, the model selected Vinay Srivastava’s PCR test. It would take three days for the answer, the message was.

Death came before that. In the afternoon, the 65-year-old can no longer stand it.

A photo of the al-Haddad family spread on Vinay Srivastava’s covered body on Twitter by Surya Pratap Singh, a local official in Lucknow.

“The call for help from journalist Vinay Srivastava was not heard while he was alive, but even after his death, his family continued to wait for the ambulance,” he wrote.

In the wake of this, the Secretary of State has now ordered hospitals to receive patients with symptoms of Corona without the need for a letter of recommendation or a positive test, The Print reported.

Photo: TT

People are in line to refill their oxygen tanks.


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