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Basketball Euroleague: Quarterfinal pairs change after Russia’s teams are eliminated

Basketball Euroleague: Quarterfinal pairs change after Russia’s teams are eliminated

As a result of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, the set of pairs of basketball players’ Euroleague quarterfinals has changed after Russian teams were excluded from the FIBA ​​Games. Thus, UMMC Yokoderinberg, who advanced to the play-offs with a total of 14 wins, could not defend the title.

The quarter-finals between these teams will not take place as UMMC (Group A) and Dynamo Kursk (fourth place in Group B) have been ruled out. Thus, the Spanish perfumerias Avenita Salamanca, who will face Spar Girona in the semifinals of the “Derby”, won the title. Second Spanish club Dynamo finished fifth in Group B instead of fourth.

See also: Foreign basketball players and coaches leave Russian clubs

All teams from Group A moved one place up, advancing to the quarterfinals for fifth place in the regular round of TTT Riga.

In the quarter-finals, the match of the Czech champion ZVZZ USK Prague (10-4) was very interesting, he finished second in the game after the changes. A with Italian Famila Shio (third in Group B, balance 8-6).

The order in the lead in the game has not changed. B, where Polish champion VBW Arka Gdynia performed (last place with balance 2-12); Fenerbahce Istanbul (11-3) lasted the first place.

The 1/4 final for two wins starts on March 8th. The next matches are scheduled for March 11 and March 16. The winners will advance to the final four on April 8-10 (presenter unknown).

The four teams that “moved” to the European Cup have changed after the teams were eliminated from Russia. By rules, these should be teams in 5-6 places, but after the end of the FIBA, teams in places 6, 7 and 8 (gr. A) will be there because UMMC and MBA Moscow played there.

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Thus, Umana Ryer Venice, Hungarian KSC Szekszard (both from Group A) and Galatasaray Istanbul (Group B) will compete in the EP. The group also includes French basketball players who played in the regular season and competed as a sixth team to win this title. B.

Pary ćwierćfinałowe Euroligi:

Perfumerias Avenida Salamanka (A1) - Spar Girona (B4)
Fenerbahce Safiport Stambuł (B1) - TTT Ryga (A4) 
ZVVZ USK Praga (A2) - Beretta Famila Schio (B3) 
Sopron Basket (B2) - BLMA Lattes (A3). 


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