So far, Bethesda has not only used QuakeCon for the new version of the classic shooter, but has also been focusing on other games from the company on different boards. Including Fallout 76, which will be made available with more content in the future. One of the highlights is Fallout Worlds, which will be added to the game with an update on September 8, 2021. We introduce you to the new game mode in Fallout 76 in detail.
Players will soon be able to create their own Fallout gaming experience on private servers. Countless settings can be adjusted according to personal requirements. According to Bethesda, it is possible, for example, to “build camps in previously off-limits areas or eliminate the need for electricity supply.” In addition, all PvE and PvP options can be customized. With more updates, manufacturers want to run many customization options.
Public realms for everyone!
While a Fallout 1st membership is required to create a private server using Fallout World, Bethesda also makes public realms available. The team always wants to offer new experiences here, which can then be used by all players. After all, the private servers of friends can be visited even without the first membership. Take a first look at Fallout Worlds in the video from QuakeCon.
If you want to try Fallout Worlds today, you can find the game mode on the public test servers for Fallout 76 (Buy now € 59.99 /13.2 EUR ). Bethesda also plans to celebrate other in-game events such as Halloween throughout the year.
those: Bethesda
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