July brings with it many astrological signs, including the full moon which has been dubbed the “giant moon” due to its large size compared to the others.
Every month the world can see the phases of the moon, but in this month the full moon is the brightest and closest to the earth.
Another of the names He has been given the ‘Deer Moon’ for a rather strange fact. Find out what’s below.
The full moon that appears on July 13th is known as the “Stag Moon”. This name was given by the ancient North American tribes, since the appearance of one of the largest full moons of the year coincided with the growth of new male deer antlers.
s It is considered a giant moon by projecting its size towards the eyes of humans.
Another name it receives is “Thunder Moon” because it coincides with the appearance of storms
Given: This event will be visible due to the short distance between the Moon and the Earth. The satellite will be 357 thousand 243 kilometers from the planet.
The supermoon, or “Deir al-Qamar,” will be visible from sunset on July 13 until sunrise the next day.
On TikTok, user @astrofotography01, an account dedicated to sharing information from science and astronomy He noted that timetables in different countries will be seen more clearly this event from natural.
in Peru, the full moon will appear at 11:00 PMAt the same time, some neighboring countries such as Colombia, Uruguay, Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile and Venezuela will also be able to appreciate this wonder.
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According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), this moon can be seen until the next morning, that is, until the early hours of July 14.
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At this point we can see the entire natural satellite disk illuminated. The moon rises at dusk near to the east and can be seen throughout the night.
In addition, to be at the closest point in its orbit to the Earth, It will seem imperceptibly “larger”, that is, it will be a giant moon.
new Moon: This is the lunar phase in which the moon does not reflect light and cannot be seen from Earth.
First Quarter: It is the phase of the moon between the new moon and the full moon, which remains lit in its right half.
full moon: The lunar phase in which the moon becomes visible when it fully reflects light and is seen as a luminous disk.
waning moon: After the full moon, this is the lunar phase in which the moon becomes visible when only the left part of it reflects light. It is the end and beginning of the lunar phase.
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