evey and them revolutions It will arrive on Community Day Pokemon Go.
Niantic It has been emphasized that multifaceted evey She will be the star of Community Day in August in Pokemon GO, the event will not arrive in one day, but two days:
How excited we were to announce that Eevee, the Evolution Pokémon, will be the star of the August Community Day event! And this time it will be two days instead of one!
And that’s not all: When an Eevee has evolved into any form from Friday, August 13, 2021 at 7:00 PM until Monday, August 16, 2021 at 7:00 PM PDT, this Pokémon will know a special attack.
In these hours, it would cost less hearts to evolve into Sylveon than usual.
In addition, special stickers for this Pokemon Its developments will be available throughout the month of August, either in Boqueparada, When opening gifts or in the store.
The following rewards will be in effect from Friday, August 13, 2021 at 7:00 PM CST until Monday, August 16, 2021 at 7:00 PM PDT.
- Vaporion: burn
- jolteon: electric cannon
- Flareon: brute force
- espon: shadow ball
- amberion: Psychological
- Levion: repeated
- GLACION: water pulsation
- Silvion: Psychoload
- An Eevee caught or spawned during these hours will know the last trick.
- Silphon’s Evolution will only take seven hearts instead of the normal 70 hearts.
- There will be a special temporary quest available that will reward you with a Mossy Bait Module and a Glacier Bait Module.
- A unique Daily Community Pack will be available for 1280 Pokécoins with 50 Super Balls, Five Pokés, Elite TM Quick Attack and TM Attack Charged.
Features and rewards available during community day hours
The following features and rewards will be available on Saturday August 14, 2021 and Sunday August 15, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM local time, both days.
- More wild Eves will appear! With a bit of luck, you can find its altered version.
- Take snapshots during Community Day if you want to be surprised!
- For $1.00 (or about 20 pesos), you get access to an exclusive Community Day special investigation story: what you want it to be.
- The eggs will require a quarter of the distance to hatch.
- Incense that is activated during the event will last for three hours.
- Bait units will be activated during the event and will last three hours.
If you still don’t use the “rename” method, you can save it for the event and get a file has evolved the favorite.
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