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Explanation of the effect after the dental fin deviates from its path  pleasure

Explanation of the effect after the dental fin deviates from its path pleasure

Many have received a sum of ten kroner or another smaller gift from the Tooth Fairy after losing a tooth as children. The tradition is to place the tooth in a cup of water or under a pillow and the next day it is “turned” into a gift.

But it looks like influencer Lovisa “Logsan” Whalen and her partner Buster Reutersward took not just one but several serious steps forward when their four-year-old son received an exclusive Rolex from the Tooth Fairy. Something the couple showed off on Instagram and sparked reactions on social media.

Now Lovisa “Lojsan” Wallin reveals it was all just a joke.

-It was a really bad joke on my partner’s part. He didn’t get a Rolex watch from the tooth fairy, as she notes for anyone wondering.

Followers’ reactions after the post

She adds that her partner Buster Reuterswärd got information about the joke from a follower and started working on the idea immediately.

– Someone wrote to me and asked me if he was serious. But I think most people understand it’s a joke precisely because they know his terminology. Logsan says his entire Instagram account is based on Drive With Me, and adds that the couple has not received any hate or spam comments about the post.

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