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Final Fantasy 14 will be on sale later this month •

Final Fantasy 14 will be on sale later this month •

Final Fantasy 14 is finally back! If you don’t have the title yet, you can buy it again this month in digital stores.

FF14 sales launch for the second time

After the release of the Endwalker expansion, Square Enix had to pull the game from digital sales due to the game’s overrun. Servers can no longer handle the massive load.

On the game’s official website books Director Naoki Yoshida in an update that sales will resume from January 25, 2022. However, if severe crowding continues, this decision can be reversed.

But there is also good news, because the period of the free trial will be extended due to server problems. Well, there’s even better news than that, as Square Enix is ​​increasing server capacity for FF14.

Servers are upgraded

Immediately on January 25, 2022, a new data center will open in oceanic space, allowing for five new worlds. As an incentive to switch to the new servers, players do not have to pay transaction fees. From January 26, 2022, global transformations will once again be possible.

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Data centers will also be expanded in Japan, Europe and North America. Starting in the summer, new servers will be launched here little by little. In Europe, servers will be expanded in July.

In addition, travel to other worlds within the same data center will be possible with the 6.1x patch.

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Work on servers will continue until 2023

Yoshida apologizes to all players and fans for the delay in building the server due to the shortage of semiconductors.

He writes: “The need to separate communities due to world regrouping is another nuisance that may prove inevitable for some players, and we ask for your understanding as we work to mitigate this issue.”

“Despite these obstacles, we believe that expanding this server is an important step in providing players with the best possible gaming experience in FFXIV,” Yoshida continued.

“Work on expanding servers will continue well into 2023 and will require a significant amount of financial resources and manpower, but we will do everything we can to ensure that this endeavor does not have a negative impact on your playing opportunities, so we appreciate your support as you continue your adventures.”

There will be another update on this topic at the end of February.