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Four scenarios: who can move to number 10 after Boris?

Four scenarios: who can move to number 10 after Boris?

The British prime minister may be forced to resign after a rebellion from his party line led to a vote of no-confidence later on Monday – but if he is forced out of No. 10 Downing Street, the question remains who will replace him.

In the analyzes presented in the British media, several heavy names appeared again. But the process for successors if Boris Johnson loses the vote will likely take two months, says SVT foreign correspondent Anna Maja Persson.

– First, the nominations are waiting, then the elimination rounds until there are two candidates left, and then all party members vote, she says.

Jeremy Hunt

Jeremy Hunt ran as the party’s leader candidate in 2019, following the resignation of Theresa May. Instead, it was Boris Johnson who replaced May. picture: AP

An experienced ex-minister with a tradition has had a long and loyal party business. Among other things, he was responsible for organizing the Olympic Games in London.

The progressive Guardian newspaper describes Hunt as a Conservative party whose criticism of the government’s “grave blunder” is expressed in an “usually mild and friendly” tone.

But it is unclear whether most of the members affiliated with Brexit will end up behind him, according to the newspaper’s deputy political editor Rowena Mason, who believes the potential trump card will be his character – as many Conservatives long for a quiet leader after Decades of time. Riot with Johnson.”

les truss

les truss picture: Environmental Protection Agency

Unlike Hunt, the foreign secretary has Brexit points on his side, according to The Express.

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Party members who were more eager to leave the European Union “appreciated the foreign secretary’s talent for negotiating post-Brexit trade deals,” wrote the conservative online newspaper’s correspondent Alice Higham.

Truss also appears to be in the process of building up her image, according to the Guardian, which notes that Truss swept a shawl over her hair when she drove an armored car, reminiscent of Grand Lady of the party Margaret Thatcher.

– Liz Truss is one of the most talked about names and probably wants to take the reins, but she’s not a candidate that everyone can accept, says SVT foreign correspondent Anna Maja Pearson.

The party wants a compromise that everyone can afford.

Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak picture: AP

The finance minister’s star rose during the pandemic when emergency support was picked after coronavirus support was selected from his portfolio – and then that star collapsed rather than collapsed when it emerged that the wife of his heiress had a healthy tax plan.

Sunak also had to pay a fine, just like the prime minister, for spending time on set during the lockdown.

– Rishi Sunak is seen as the crown prince, but has been fined in the Partygate scandal and tax scandal involving his wife, which is believed to have weakened him, even if he is not completely out of the game, says Anna Maja Pearson.

The Guardian writes that his “clumsy blunder” has given the impression that he is “absolute from reality” – for example, he is in the process of building a swimming pool in his palatial country house. At the same time, many families in the country are struggling to pay their bills, as various media have pointed out in different party colors.

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Michael Gove

Michael Gove picture: AP

A good friend of Johnson in no way decided to confront him when it came time to appoint a new party leader and prime minister the last time he left. “It’s no stranger to him running for the top seat in the party,” notes Andrew Pierce, a columnist for the Daily Mail and former political editor of the conservative newspaper The Times.

Over the past twelve years, Goff has held several senior positions such as Minister of Education and other heavy positions with great influence on the government.

“Perhaps he is the current prime minister’s favourite, given their longstanding relationship,” Pearce wrote.