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Gray Wednesday 2022 – Is there fasting?  Do you want to go to church?

Gray Wednesday 2022 – Is there fasting? Do you want to go to church?

There is no fixed date for a gray Wednesday like Easter. In 2022, it will fall on March 2nd. What does Popielec mean to Catholics?

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Why is there no fixed date for Easter?

Gray Wednesday 2022 – Beginning of Lent

Gray begins Lent on Wednesday, which lasts until Easter on April 17th. According to tradition, Gray Wednesday begins Christian preparation time for the most important feast of the year of penance and worship. In the languages ​​of the first church, Lent was referred to as the quatresima or “40 days”, which refers to Jesus’ 40-day fast.

On Ash Wednesday, and then Good Friday, Catholics are required to fast. This means you can eat one full meal and two half meals. During Lent, believers abstain from eating meat, sweets or alcohol.

Gray WednesdayGray Wednesday 2022. When is it? How many foods can we eat?

Gray Wednesday 2022 – Do you want to attend Holy Communion?

In Popilek, the clergy spray the heads of believers with ashes. At this point they say a line: “You will return to dust and dust” or “Change and believe the gospel.” However, participation in the Holy Mass is not mandatory. Therefore, there is no need to admit the absence of participation.

Gray Wednesday – What is this holiday?

Spraying ash on the head is a tradition introduced in 1091 by Pope Urban II. It is a reminder to believers of repentance Sins And formally celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. Gray, on the other hand, signifies the passing of life and weakness.

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