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“Hotel Paradise”.  It is clear why Victoria did not appear at the event

“Hotel Paradise”. It is clear why Victoria did not appear at the event

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Wiktoria Gąsior appeared in the fourth edition of “Hotel Paradise”. Participating in a dating show became a difficult experience for him because he experienced a lot of unpleasantness and criticism from other participants. After leaving the hotel in Paradise after all this, the 23-year-old wanted to quickly forget his friends from the show, which he often talked about on social media. Recently, he also explained why he doesn’t go to parties and where to meet them.

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“Hotel Paradise”. Victoria explained why she could not meet herself at parties

Victoria enjoys answering questions from fans. This method is no different. During a recent Q&A session on Instagram, one of the Internet users asked the 23-year-old directly why he did not appear at program-related events. The participant in the fourth edition of “Hotel Paradise” did not skip this topic and decided to explain everything.

Because I only party with people I trust. With family and friends. In order not to find out after the party that someone is booking me during the party – he wrote in a statement posted on Instostoris.

The 23-year-old already knew he did not want to maintain any contact with other participants. These words only confirmed that his fans would notice him for a long time. Among other things, Victoria does not appear in the collective view of the final chapter. At the time he was at the family home and had been missing from social media for a few days.

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Victoria Kessier“Hotel Paradise”. Victoria removed InstaStories. He wrote about relationships with participants

Now everything is back to normal, what, she announced that a lot of changes are going to happen in her life. Among other things, regular exercise and a return to a healthy diet. Victoria may also launch her own YouTube channel. We will find out soon.

Victoria KessierVictoria Kessier Screen: Instagram / ikwiktoria_gasior