We all know that WhatsApp is the most used messaging network in the world. On this occasion, we present to you an effective method that allows you to change the font in conversations Application Have you used different fonts in your texts? Now we tell you how to implement it in conversations.
employment google apps There are many third-party apps to change your text fonts, and we’ll simplify your search below. Download the app elegant text, which is completely secure, free and easy to use in terms of changing the style of text, and does not ask you for personal information in return.
How do I change the font in my WhatsApp chats?
Stylish Text will be displayed as a separate app that allows to change the style of text within WhatsApp. Choose the font you prefer and start using it from the messaging app.
With this app called elegant text You can display 120 fonts to use in WhatsApp.
Similarly, you can also use Stylish Text as a built-in bubble app, if you don’t want to stay away from WhatsApp for a minute. You can configure elegant text So that it activates when you type text using the Android keyboard. This way, you just have to click on the bubble and format your messages.
We detail in simple steps how to get started with stylish text fonts for your WhatsApp conversations:
- Download and install Stylish Text from Google Play.
- Open the app and choose the fonts you want to use as favourites.
- Stylish text lets you choose whether you want to use the app via the bubble or the floating bar.
- Type a message on WhatsApp as you normally would, and before sending it, tap the bubble or ribbon.
- You will have a list of fonts, with customization options and style changes.
- It was completed. You can send your message and the text will automatically change the font
For more information visit Libero.pe
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