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Immediate reactions to ministerial elections – SU’s Julia Staehle: ‘Not fit as a minister’

“What you leave behind you find before you. Redman is unsuitable as a minister.” Julia Staley on Twitter asking how the former Samlingspartiet reacts to the newly elected minister.

The head of the coalition party is the prime minister Peteri Urbus The staff previously announced that he does not comment on the matter.

Comments from the opposition Veronica Honcasalo (VF).

Honkasalo wrote: “The election of Redman does not seem to be anything other than the real Finns’ revenge against the Samlingspartiet and the SFP”. “Redmann was not good enough for the Riksdag of the Samlingspartiet, but enough for a government led by the Samlingspartiet.”

Team Leader True Finns Rica Peora He told HBL that the party does not look at what the opposition thinks, but rather makes its own ministerial decisions.

“Real Finns make their ministerial choices with knowledge and experience in mind, particularly in terms of who fits in the portfolio,” she says.

Vänsterverbundet party leader Lee Anderson (VF) wrote that “It has been clear lately that the policy of real Finns is just to perform on the Internet. It doesn’t matter what happens to the low earners or that the position of workers becomes the weakest in the Nordic countries, as long as you can harass them.”

See also  Historic coalition government in South Africa | SVT News