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Increase in the average salary of teachers from May 1, 2022

Increase in the average salary of teachers from May 1, 2022

The teacher charter law will be amended by PiS representatives to Sejm on Tuesday as the average salary of teachers will increase by 4.4% and the education grant will be increased by PLN 1.6 billion from May 1, 2022.

During the period from May 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, the so-called medium, according to the draft of PiS representatives Salary The number of teachers is set to increase by 4.4 percent. According to applicants, this will implement a pay rise for teachers from May 1 because the minimum fees will increase Salary Teachers and Salaries.

Salary increase for teachers from May 1, 2022.

As stated in the draft teachers Must receive an increase by June 30, 2022 with compensation from May 1, 2022.

Rise from special assignment for teachers from May 1

According to the draft, the education grant is to be increased to PLN 1 671 million 100. The money should come from the special purpose of the state budget, which aims at systemic changes in the funding of local government units, including funding for education.

Scheduled Correction Effective the day after its announcement.

The reason for the amendment to the pay rise for teachers in 2022

“One of the priorities of the state’s education policy is to enhance the prestige of the teaching profession, which can have a significant impact on the quality of education. It was considered that the above goal should be achieved. – We read in the logic of the bill of PIS representatives.

“The current teachers ‘pay is not adequately encouraged. This will lead to a significant increase in the teachers’ salaries due to the lack of support from the education community for the significant organizational changes planned by the government in the field of teachers ‘careers. From 1 September 2022, it is necessary to increase teachers’ salaries. Regardless of the formal changes in the status of this professional group of teachers.” – We read more on justification.

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How to calculate the average salary of teachers according to the Teachers’ Charter

In accordance with Art. 30 Intermediate Teacher Cards Salary Teachers are based on the basic amount for teachers defined in the Budget Act each year. The current base amount for teachers is PLN 3,537.80. According to the trainee teacher, the average salary is 100%. Of the basic amount, the contract teacher – 111 per cent, the appointed teacher – 144 per cent. And a certified teacher – 184 percent

Since 2020, the average salary of teachers has not changed. The Budget Act for 2021 and 2022 also did not increase the base amount for teachers.

On average Salary There are teachers Basic pay I parts To him. There are a dozen or more additions. The average salary of teachers is the basis for determining the minimum amount by order of the Minister of Education and Science. Salary Key Authors. The portion of the allowance is determined as a percentage of the base salary.