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Krakow under the water.  The river overflowed its banks on the piano

Krakow under the water. The river overflowed its banks on the piano

Heavy rain in Krakw and nearby cities. In recent hours, firefighters have dropped more than a thousand applications and received even more. The worst situation is on the piano, where water overflows through the crowns of floodplains and floods some streets.

So far, a large number of interventions have been reported after heavy rains Krakow And poviats: Weliska, Novi Dark and Ovisim. Than 100 firefighters.

Nowadays, where necessary, firefighters place sandbags. All this to prevent them from reaching the nearby courtyards.

Heavy rain made it The water overflowed along the banks of the nearby small Seraphim River in the piano of Krakw. The streets around the district were flooded. Panki, Bieżanowska, Major Sucharski, Udziela. Only in ul. In Udjila, five houses and three underground car parks were flooded.

We evicted about 10 peopleIt was at its depth using quartz, fire trucks and boats – Announced by Partomiz Rosic from the Krakow Fire Brigade.

Since yesterday, approx 50 firefighters. Thank you for their help to the surrounding houses on Bieżanowska Street. Those trying to reach a nearby workplace also have a problem – says RMF FM journalist Marcin Busek.

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The stream of water that came in the streets of the piano is still rushing. Unfortunately, so far it has been raining continuously.

Listeners send us photos of the flooded piano via the RMF FM hotline.

Dozens of homes were flooded. In some places, the water will be a meter and above – Said Bartomiz Rosic of the Krakw Fire Brigade.

Drivers need to calculate Difficulties in Krakow. Currently, the fallen tree may be difficult to cross Prince Joseph Street.

However, the situation improved under viaducts and tunnels. There, the water has already receded and there are already problems with transportation.

Public transport works normally – our correspondent asked in the Krakow city office.

The road in Svozovsky is flooded, so the 265 line has been shortened to the Louisiana Krakowka stop.

In Krakow Bowie The difficult situation was in the Jiolongi Commune, The inhabitants of this city fought with the swollen Piazza River. At night, it flooded Provincial Road 794, which – according to firefighters – was already passable.

In Weliska, the local district headquarters were flooded And the State Fire Service of the State Fire Service, which interfered with the work of the Bowie Commandant.

PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe on Friday morning announced that trains would stop at night on the section between Rabaa Wayana and Xianyawa on the route from Krakow to Jacobin. Heavy rain caused damage to the area adjacent to the rail.

For security reasons, an alternative transport has been introduced: Alternative communication in the Presvozi region, Polerio – Sapovka – Jakoben section.