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Krakw – Rakov Chestochova.  This may be the goal of the season!  Relationship and decision.  The best league

Krakw – Rakov Chestochova. This may be the goal of the season! Relationship and decision. The best league

“Coach, come home” – a banner with such an inscription appeared on one of the stands during yesterday’s match between Krakow and Ragov. Jacek Zieliński, more than four years back, led Pasy again, winning with the best team and starting his second stay at the bat.

Two big changes

There were two weeks to work with the new Basov coaching team. After reviewing his team, Zilinsky made two changes to the starting lineup. Carol Nimsiki scored for the first time since the Cup match against ŁKS (0-0, 1: 3 on penalties). Previously, Lukaš Hroššo had a place there. The reason for the change was, among other things, a disease that the Slovak people had been battling in recent days. – This is a decision made after deep thought, but it is the cause of the recently untrained Lucas disease. Carol benefited from her friend’s health problems, but she showed herself well in training – the Belts coach said before the match. Michael Chiplack also returned to the first team. He was placed in the Slovak Defense Center to replace Jacques Jukas, who had so far held a certain place in the top eleven.

The pitch was boring in the first half. Krakw shot just one shot, and missed. The Ragov players tried to surprise Nemsiki with long shots, but he caught all the balls flying towards him. Patrick Kunn’s shot in the 16th minute flew close to Krokovia’s goal post. – Our game is not bad, we create situations, but we do not have the best final draw and finalization. Over time, we need to tip the scales in our favor – guest striker Sebastian said during the museolic break. He did not come out in the second half and was replaced by Vladislav Gudkovsky.

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Kokabatse left unopposed

After changing the pages, the game picture did not change. The players from Częstochowa often had the ball, and they often tried to get into the Krakw penalty box in the hope that they could win and shoot in the emerging Latvian head match. A quarter of an hour later Ivy Lopez got a better chance. Madage could not clear a cross from the left side of the road and the ball went to the Spanish player. It hit unacceptably, but was a little misleading. A few seconds after Lopez’s condition, the Croatian coach made two more changes. Entered the field by, among others Ottar Kakapatse and influenced the final decision of this fort. In the 69th minute, the ball was kicked by a Georgian player and Vladon Kovacovic scored without hesitation. Bosniak tried to intervene, but the shot was too powerful to do anything about him. Coach Marek Bobsun tried to save the end with changes. Croatia’s defense made no mistake and had a clean sheet for the second time this season.

In April 2015, in the debut of Jazek Zilinsky as the coach of Croatia, his team confidently defeated Javizza Bytkos (3: 0). Back then, it was the start of a series of 12 unbeaten Stripes matches. The 60-year-old started his second term again with a win, and a strong rival. Raków fans have fewer reasons to be satisfied. After the 14th round, Leach, the leader of the league, increased the advantage by six points over the medals.

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Krokovia – Rakov Chestosova 1: 0 (0: 0)

Goal: Kakapatse 69 ‘

Yellow Cards: Chiplock, von Amersford, Bisseck – Kun, Tudor

Krakw: Nimsiki – Raba, Rodin, Ciplock (86 ‘Jugas), Festka – Loshaj (61’ Kagapatse), Knob (46 ‘Lucius), Rakosi (61’ Mysore), Van Amersford, Hanka – Alvarez (39 ‘Bissek)

Rakov: Kovacevic – Niewulis, Arsenic, Papanikolaou – Poletanovic (75 ‘Gwilia), Tudor, Kun (75’ Wdowiak), Lederman, Lopez (83 ‘Guedes), Sturgeon (75’ Arak) – Musiolik (46 ‘Gutkovskis)