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Maryla.  When I saw who Marila Rodovich was, I loved the trailer

Maryla. When I saw who Marila Rodovich was, I loved the trailer

The film is a story about life and work Marila Rodovich. The crew went with the artist for several months during preparations for work, rehearsals and concerts. Except for Rodowicz, including his friends and relatives who were in the documentary many years ago. Daniel Olbrichsky, Katharsina Gardner, Helena Vondrakova, Andrzej Sikorovsky, Adam Stoba, Maria Chaplovska and the artist’s family, friends, musicians and collaborators.

In the trailer we see, among other things, Daniel Olfriczky recalled his relationship with Rodovich, as well as the fact that the artist “did not die”.

They are the directors of the film Michał Bandurski I Christian Guskovsky (Producer of another autobiographical TVP film, “Krzysztof Krawczyk – my whole life”), Producer – Pavel Gazevsky. A trailer on Tuesday Found on the TVP.Info portal I In TVP antennas And for social media.

– Marila knows what she wants, says what she thinks and wants to show who is in charge. She is very professional. While working on the set of the film, she pushed the boundaries we did not expect. She opened the door to sensitivity, say Guskovsky and Pandursky.

As the creators insist – the most important thing in this film is the story About how he fell in love with Marila Rodovich – Hence the product title. – There are many violent emotions in this story – Comments Michał Bandurski. – This is a film about Marila Rodovich, but about important people in her life. About the women who created the Marila stage. Namely Agnieszka Osika and Katharsina Gardner – adding Christian Guskovsky.

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The document was completed within eleven months. – Marila was open and willing to cooperate because she loved this film. Hard work was done in reviewing, selecting and finally selecting archives. Here, the great collaboration with the Documentation and Program Collection Center, i.e. TVP Archives and the Television Information Company, helped us a lot – says the film’s producer Paves Kazhevsky.

The film will be screened as “Marila. That’s How I Loved It” TVP1 December 25 at 21:00. A year ago, TVP showed a documentary about Krzysztof Krawczyk – “Throughout My Life”, produced by the same team of producers, screenwriters and directors. Viewers watched the premiere on December 25, 2020.