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Mobilcom-Debitel adds more – and sweetens the offer

Mobilcom-Debitel adds more – and sweetens the offer

The PS5 is sold out everywhere – but Mobilcom-Debitel still has a few consoles in stock! Now the mobile provider makes the offer more attractive and increases the volume of embedded data without further ado. GIGA has all the details for you.

Update vom 12. April 2021:

After selling the show in a very short time, Mobilcom-Debitel appears to have stashed far more consoles this time around. The tariff includes PS5 (disc version) + 2 years of PlayStation Plus It is still available and can still be ordered online via the website.

Mobilcom-Debitel has also increased the volume of data in its Vodafone tariff. Instead of 10 GB, there is now 15 GB of LTE data size. On the other hand, Telekom tariffs still only offer 10 GB of data size. We have also modified the corresponding changes below in the text.

But no one can say for how long the show will be online. The only thing for sure is: Demand is still great! So if you want to be on the safe side, you should hurry up with your application.

By the way, if you don’t need a new mobile phone contract, but are looking for a new DSL contract, then you have to look at the current offer from 1 & 1. The provider also offers its customers PS5 as a bonus upon signing the contract.

Thousands of gamers have been waiting for months to finally have a PS5. The next-generation console is never available in free trade, but tariff provider Mobilcom-Debitel has a number of devices in stock for its customers. Anyone who takes out the new tariff for the mobile phone “green LTE 15 GB” in the Vodafone network or “green LTE 15 GB” in the Telekom network with the company., Will receive both the PS5 (disc version) and a total of 24 months of PS-Plus after ordering.

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Attention: Mobilcom-Debitel also has a limited number of inventory controllers. If you want to take the deal with you, hurry up.

About the tariff details:

  • Tariff: LTE green 10 GB (Telekom), LTE green 15 GB (Vodafone)
  • Network: Either Telekom or Vodafone
  • 10 or 15 GB LTE– Data size / maximum. 21.6MB / s (Telekom) 50MB / s (Vodafone)
  • Fixed price phone in all networks
  • EU ink roaming
  • 24 months minimum and 3 months notice period

How does the PS5 compare to the Xbox Series X, you can find out in the video:

The following costs are waiting for you:

  • Basic fee: 24 x 41.99 € per month
  • Additional payment for PS5: 99.99 €
  • Delivery fee: 39.99 €
    = 1.147,74 euro After 24 months

PS5 with Mobilcom Debitel green LTE contract: who is worth the bid?

The offer is only useful if you can do something with the tariff. After deducting the PS5 costs (disc version: 499.99 € RRP) and two annual PS Plus subscriptions (2 x 59.99 €), about 530 € was left in the end. This equates to about 22 euros per month Mobilcom Debitel tariff with 10 or 15 GB LTE and fixed price phone. A flat rate for SMS is not included in the tariff, worth 19 cents per SMS. Plus, the maximum data speeds of 21.6Mbps (Telekom) and 50Mbps (Vodafone) are kind of meager – but still enough for streaming YouTube and Netflix.

However, the mobile tariff is well worth looking for for all PlayStation fans looking for a new contract at the same time. This way, console players can finally get the PS5 without any problems. After all, no one can say at the moment when the PlayStation 5 will be available again on Amazon and MediaMarkt and Co.

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NB: Don’t forget to finish your contract in time. If you do not, the tariff will be extended automatically for another year. The basic fee remains the same, even though you have already “paid” the PS5.