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More than 100 countries pledged at the Climate Summit to halt deforestation

More than 100 countries pledged at the Climate Summit to halt deforestation

Among the countries that promised to sign the document is Brazil, which many have accused of looting vast areas of the Amazon, the news agency writes. Reuters.

The pledge came Climate Summit on the first day of Glasgow. Countries have promised to allocate the equivalent of SEK 160 billion in public and private funds to protect endangered forest areas. Much of the money will go to developing countries to restore already devastated lands, prevent wildfires and support indigenous people living in the areas.

More than 100 countries have about 85 percent of the world’s forests within their borders.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is hosting the meeting, said in a comment that the agreement is a “milestone for protecting and restoring the world’s forests”.

“We will have the opportunity to end the long history of mankind as the conqueror of nature and instead become its guardian,” Johnson said in connection with the announcement of the announcement.

Not everyone is equally optimistic:

– It’s good news There is now a political commitment to halt deforestation from many countries, says Professor Simon Lewis, a climate and forest expert at University College London. BBC News.

Lewis also adds:

– But the scientist has been here before, and he referred to a similar declaration signed in New York in 2014 that had no effect on the devastation.

The BBC says the declaration commits to actual deforestation but does not address the question of why forests are being cut down, not least in Brazil. Often the reason is that the areas are instead used to raise animals which are then used for meat production. Meat that is in great demand around the world.

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Forests are important in absorbing carbon dioxide emissions and are estimated to take care of about 30 percent of all these emissions.