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Mskie Granie 2021. Pre-sale tickets are sold out, regular sale begins

Mskie Granie 2021. Pre-sale tickets are sold out, regular sale begins

It is already known that there will be eight concerts in four cities this year, where he will perform with David Botsiado, Protka, Daria Javiov, Vito Pompino and Ralph Kaminski. For the first time in history, the tour, sponsored by two bands ywiec – Mskie Granie Orkiestra 2020 and Mskie Granie Orkiestra 2021 – will air on June 30 during the premiere of this year’s solo.

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Mskie Granie 2020. Live

This summer, Msky Groni will visit four Polish cities: Krakw (August 6-7, Aviation Museum), Warsaw (August 13-14, Dorsovik), Bosna (August 20-21, Park Sidetella) and Ivy (August 27-28). , Ambientator near Grozzek), from which live streaming will take place on August 28th.

Mskie Granie 2021. Tickets are selling out quickly

Tickets available for pre-sale Alegro Smart is no longer available, but regular sales start just after noon. Payment for tickets is only possible with BLIK. One day tickets are available for PLN 189. New Two-day tickets to a specific city are available for PLN319. On Fridays you will hear Msky Granny Orchestra 2020: Daria Javio, Raja, Ego, Cassia Bissek, Piotr Rubik, Jacob Fojdas, Thomas Feats, Mika Kush, Monica McGook and Arec Cobra On Saturdays, a completely new MGO band will present itself to the public.

The composition of the Mskie Granie Orkiestra 2021 band and invited guests will be revealed later. What this sequence looks like:

  • August 6 – Krakow, Aviation Museum: Msky Groni Orchestra 2020, David Potsiado, Raja, Zorreki, Ivy
  • August 7 – Krakow, Aviation Museum: Msky Granny Orchestra 2021, Arkanek, Taria Javio, Bosch, Valugroxa Crisis
  • August 13 – Warsaw, Dorsovik: Msky Groni Orchestra 2020, Arthur Rojek, Raja, Kasia Lins, Nimok + Guests
  • August 14 – Warsaw, Dor Switch: Msky Groni Orchestra 2021, Protka, Ralph Kominsky, Ztechi Osa, shy!
  • August 20 – Bosna, Park Sidetella: Msky Groni Orchestra 2020, Zalevsky, Maria Pessek, Vito Pompino, Kaka Sochaka
  • August 21 – Bosna, Park Sidetala: Msky Groni Orchestra 2021, Organoc, Raja, Muchi, Bash
  • August 27 – Amphitheater in ywiec, Grójec: Mskie Granie Orkiestra 2020, Dawid Podsiado, Jaboni Flower, WaluKraksaKryzys, Ivy
  • August 28 – ywiec, Ambassador near Grozzek: Mskie Granie Orkiestra 2021, Zalewski, Ralph Kaminski, Natalia Przybysz, Kaka Sochacka
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