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Muharrem Demirok did not talk about SD or nuclear energy – work

Muharrem Demirok did not talk about SD or nuclear energy – work

It almost sounds like an idea.

On the same day that the moderate government announced that it wanted to change the environment law to allow the construction of new nuclear power, the Center Party Elections Committee said in a press conference that it believed Muharrem Demirok should take over as party leader.

Once upon a time it was the issue of nuclear power that divided the Swedish bourgeoisie. When then-C leader Thorbjörn Fälldin realized at the beginning of the 1970s that plutonium and uranium had to be separated from life by 100,000 years, he became an opponent of nuclear power.

His party soon demanded an end to the expansion of nuclear power and no more nuclear power plants being loaded.
At the party meeting in Luleå in 1973, Walden made the issue of government and the issue of nuclear power dependent on each other. The center will refuse to form a government with parties that want to continue investing in nuclear energy. He excluded the Social Democrats, the moderates and the People’s Party.

SD bayonets prevail

But the Center Party still sought cooperation with the right. Walden believed that his ultimatum would cause the moderates and the People’s Party to change their minds about nuclear power. It was not an ordinary political question:
– It’s a very ethical question.

He made a mistake. Then everything went to hell for the Center Party and the bourgeois governments. The mistrust and hatred among non-socialist parties over nuclear power took decades to overcome.

Today it can be said that the relationship with the SD has become the new nuclear issue for the right-wing parties.

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There is simply a line between those who think the SD is a conservative party that happens to be racist and those who see the party as the parliamentary branch of social poison. That is why the liberals are sitting in a government that rules with SD bayonets. This is why the Center Party does not.

But former Linköping councilor Muharrem Demirok didn’t talk about SD and didn’t talk about nuclear energy either. Instead, he said, the Center Party had lost its lead on matters of crime and schools under MP Annie Love.

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If he is elected party leader later this year, the party will, for example, change its view of profit-taking and independent school groups in schools.

Then he attacked the government for not doing enough on the climate issue, for not seeing through all of Sweden and for not cutting taxes for low-income earners enough.
Promise to be a liberal and bourgeois torchbearer for Ulf Christerson.

This promise itself was the basis for Annie Love’s political idea that Sy should pursue a neoliberal economic policy wrapped in sympathetic progress. It remains to be seen if this is the path Dmirok intends to take.

That plan was likely spoiled by Daniel Backstrom, the man who stood next to him at today’s press conference.

Almost all of the journalist’s questions were about how the selection committee thought when they considered that Backstrom, someone who lacked confidence in both the Youth Union and the Students’ Union, should become the party’s first vice-chairman.

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Backstrom’s perspective on LGBTQ issues makes it “impossible,” thinks CUF’s Rica Tolnay, for example. Talking to Walden is simply a moral question. A question that determines who is a friend and who is an enemy.

A nuclear issue, if you will.