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Officially.  The end of the era in Polish ski jumping.  There is an end

Officially. The end of the era in Polish ski jumping. There is an end

Adam Małysz is the new president of the Polish Ski Association. However, his choice was not surprising. An era in Polish winter sports is coming to an end.

Arkadiusz Dudziak

Arkadiusz Dudziak

Adam Malice

WP SportoweFakty / Photo: Adam Małysz

The General Report of the PZN Representatives and the Election Congress decided on the election of a new President. No wonder, it’s Adam Moss who gets Apollonius the Secret.

However, the outcome of the election has long been known. Adam Malice is the only candidate for this position. Voting was an absolute formality for Małysz to become president if only one of the 82 delegates supported his candidacy. So there are no emotions.

Thus, an era in Polish winter sports is coming to an end. Apollonius Tazner has been president of the union since 2006. By law, he cannot apply for re-election.

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Adam Malisa was supported by a majority of delegates. He received 77 out of 80 votes, but three votes were invalid. Seven council members were also elected. These include: Marcin Blauth, Wojciech Gumny, Adam Fickowski, Stanisław Szymanik, Jarosław Konior, Marek Pach and Rafał Kot.

– First, I’ll watch winter games worldwide. Jumping is a leading discipline that brings in donations and sponsors, so I will do everything I can to grow it and produce the best results. However, cross-country skiing, alpine skiing and skiing gave hope for future success at the Olympics. These sectors also began to grow. I’m starting to look at them more closely – Adam Moss said in an interview with the WP before the president’s appointment. (Full interview here)

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In turn, Tajner will often be in the game. – This should be the most common role related to training. To a large extent, with the training of coaches, by preparing a wide range of staff, we need to see to it that there is no shortage of coaching staff – said Sports Minister Kamil Bortniczuk in an interview with Interia a dozen or more days ago.

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