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Personal assistance to persons with disabilities. A special committee started work in the Presidential Palace – Vydomosi

The committee will prepare legislative solutions for President Andrzej Duda’s legislative initiative on personal assistance for people with disabilities. The scope of the committee’s work includes: developing legislative solutions related to personal assistance of people with disabilities, determining the expected social, economic and financial consequences of the proposed solution and cooperation with authorities, institutions and other organizations and knowledgeable people. problem.

Solving the problem of personal assistance

The first meeting was attended by the Vice-President of the Polish Republic, Piotr Iwik. A group consisting of representatives from the Presidential Palace of the President of Poland, the State Plenipotentiary Office for the Disabled, the Human Rights Defender’s Office and the Department of Social Assistance and Integration of the Ministry of Family and Social Affairs. principle.

The function of the team leader is Marek Rymza, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland, and the function of the team secretary is Paulina Malinowska-Kowalczyk, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland. The work of the committee is overseen by the Chancellor’s Vice-President – Minister Piotr Ćwik.

“The work on the concept of regulating personal assistance to persons with disabilities has so far been carried out by the Social Affairs Council of the National Development Council. by external experts in cooperation with the President and Council of the Polish Republic. The concept of the bill on personal assistance of persons with disabilities developed by the Council was presented to a wide group of organizations and organizations representing the environment of persons with disabilities, local and government administration during the “Deinstitutionalization Forum” at the Presidential Palace in April. This year “- we read on the President’s website.

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