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Pokémon GO: First details for the 2021 Festival |  Niantic |  video games |  SPORTS-PLAY

Pokémon GO: First details for the 2021 Festival | Niantic | video games | SPORTS-PLAY

Pokemon trainers all over the world have kept in touch with them Pokemon GO Despite the fact that due to the epidemic, movement in large cities has been restricted. This is because NianticThe developer, the company, has added some significant changes to the gameplay so that the community does not get too much exposure.

There were also various special events such as community days. It was recently announced the return of the annual popular title festival in which players from many cities will participate.

“lamThe Pokémon GO Festival 2021 gaming experience will remain the same for everyone around the world. However, coaches who attend these celebrations in person will have photo opportunities while exploring the city. Please note that these realistic festivities are scheduled for Saturday, July 17, 2021, from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM local time, there will be nothing on Sunday.Niantic explains.

Cities where the event will take place in person


  • Linz, Austria
  • Dresden, Germany
  • Essen, Germany
  • Hamburg, Germany
  • Seville Spain
  • Paris France
  • Warsaw Poland
  • Bristol, United Kingdom
  • Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • London, United Kingdom

United State

  • San Francisco, California
  • Denver, Colorado
  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • Chicago, Illinois
  • Indianapolis, Indiana
  • New York City, New York
  • Nashville, Tennessee
  • Austin, Texas
  • Seattle, Washington
  • Washington DC

Asia Pacific

The news of Pokemon GO Festival 2021 does not stop! We’re excited to announce that the realistic Pokémon GO festivities will be taking place in more than one city 20 cities this year. Although we can’t get together like in previous Pokémon GO festivals, these outdoor social distancing experiences will still be worth it if you get caught nearby!‘ ends the statement.

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Pokémon GO reflects the actions of the coronavirus and the community is not happy at all

With the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, many augmented reality video games have been affected due to players being confined to the home. in this situation, Niantic He made some changes to his game Pokemon GO.

Interestingly, the Pokémon-capturing moniker has become one of the most lucrative in 2020 despite COVID-19. This is because many players can play from home.

Unfortunately, these changes will not be permanent. It was recently announced that Niantic was reversing fundamental changes so that everything is back to normal and players can’t get away from their place.

the user He explains that the company is exposing its players by downgrading gyms and PokéStops. “This is a huge blow to accessibility, security, and simple practicality. If you enjoy PokemonGoApp and it affects you, let Niantic know how you feel.”

Others like They just made it clear that they love Pokémon GO but don’t understand the developer company Niantic.

On the other hand, comments indicate that these changes during the pandemic were very beneficial and that they should have been stopped.

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