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Revealing the secret behind the highest waterfall in China |  the world

Revealing the secret behind the highest waterfall in China | the world

Located in a mountain park in Henan Province, Yuntai Waterfall is a popular travel destination in China. Agreed CNN The park has the highest rating in the country – five out of five – for tourist attractions.

But now the reputation has been somewhat tarnished, according to many media outlets.

This came after a video clip circulated on Chinese social media, reportedly showing a large pipe supplying water to the 314-metre-high waterfall. Reactions to the video forced park officials to come out and comment.

The garden's answer to the waterfall

According to them, it is necessary to strengthen the condition a little during the dry season, when there is no rain.

“The waterfall is not guaranteed to meet the public from its more scenic side due to seasonal changes,” they say, according to CNN, adding that Yuntai gets a “slight improvement during the dry season.”

CNN reports that park management is also expressing gratitude for people's participation, and promises that guests this summer will see the waterfall in its “most perfect and natural form.”

Some are said to be shocked that the waterfall is not completely natural and believe it is disrespectful to both visitors and nature, while others expressed disinterest. f5 513803b6806648e8c%7Ctwcon%5Es1_& %2F2405231944000%2Fframe.html

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