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The dance of the ferretons, i.e. the Caspian defeat.  what is that?

The dance of the ferretons, i.e. the Caspian defeat. what is that?

The dance of the Beretrons is an amazing and at first glance shocking scene. Heavy paintings depicting saints and church patrons carried on pillars by four believers turn fast from one side to the other with the accompaniment of music dominated by wind instruments. In this way believers pay homage to the places and objects of worship they pass through: crucifixes, churches, altars, many misconceptions appeared under a video shared on Twitter by the Archbishop of Gdansk. “Medieval, 21st Century Poland, Degeneration, Cretanism, Paganism” – we read.

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Dance of Fedrons or Caspian Bow. what is that?

Four people, holding a painting on a wooden handle, stand in the front row of the altar, the pilgrimage, the passion of God. They then toss the image three times, bowing forward, backward, right and left with Fedron. It is a symbol of holiness. Cross. They then form a circle of three persons representing the perfection of God and finally worship again.

Emphasized by V National Geography Eugene Breiskovsky, a Kashmiri regionalist, called the rocking of the Perthrans “dance.” He noted that it was a bow. – This custom is largely shaped by the tradition of going on pilgrimage to the Kashubian sanctuaries in Calvary, especially to Vezherovo. Today it is practiced by almost all pilgrims going to the sanctuaries, especially Cyanov and Svarsevo, but Vila, Kozierchina and Modemblevo – he said.

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Calvary of Vejerovo – Kashubian spiritual capital

Ferretron dancing is a tradition mainly known in Kashubia. He was born in Calvary Vejerovska, probably in the first half of the 20th century. 18th century. Spring pleasure celebrations have a special setting. At that time, pilgrims from all over the region flocked to the premises of 26 17th-century churches. It is worth emphasizing that this place is the spiritual capital of the religious citizens of the land.

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