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The European Union has approved climate laws to reduce carbon dioxide emissions

The European Union has approved climate laws to reduce carbon dioxide emissions

The European Union is raising climate standards, but the business community warns of significant challenges when the new targets are met.

Negotiations on climate law in the European Union have been accelerated to be ready for Thursday’s climate summit with US President Joe Biden.

After marathon negotiations The European Parliament and member states approved the new climate law early Wednesday morning. By 2030, carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 55 percent compared to the 1990 level. The previous target was 40 percent.

In addition, Europe will be the first climate neutral continent by 2050, and it will have a positive climate impact after that. To achieve this, the European Commission will now propose in June a target for 2040.

“I’m sorry for this somewhat embarrassing stewardship, but I’m at least happy after an intense year with climate law and now also 14 hours of negotiations tonight. We finished at 5 am this morning, which I see as a sign of determination that all institutions must succeed between Overnight and get the best possible content for this climate law, ”said Social Democrat Representative Getty Gotland, the European Parliament’s chief negotiator on the issue, at a press conference on Wednesday morning.

After a decision was passed in October, the European Parliament entered negotiations, demanding a 60% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. In December, after difficult summit negotiations, European Union nations agreed to the 55 percent target, which has now emerged victorious from the battle.

“It’s no secret that I would have liked more, but it’s a good start. We’ve built a building in the climate law that makes it very strong. It’s like a newborn baby. You get stronger and stronger to be an important person,” says Getty Gotland.

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Parliament also received Drop the requirement that the zero emissions target for 2050 should apply to each member state separately and not just to the European Union as a whole.

“I am less comfortable with the lack of binding targets for member states’ CO2 emissions. We sat with them during the night but we got nowhere. Member states were fierce opposition. It wouldn’t have been better if we had sat for another week or month. “

There was strong time pressure to prepare the climate law on Wednesday.

“It is a very good timing before the international summit with the European Union and the United States on Thursday. We will lead the way before the international summit that will be held in Glasgow in November. I am proud that there is a climate law that needs to be introduced,” he said.

Jessica Boulevard, a moderate, a member of the Environment Committee of the European Parliament, is satisfied, too.

“We pushed for the 55% target, and that was also the line in our EPP party group. It’s a balanced stance. It’s important that the business community has the time, not the ambitious goals.”

It says new technical solutions increase the possibility of achieving the new goals.

“This shows not least Sweden’s work on fossil steel production,” says Jessica Bollviard.

Jessper Gyberg, the official As for climate policy at the SED, he believes it is a good thing that Parliament and member states have agreed on an ambitious net target for 2030.

“The big business will be to implement the precise goal.”

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At the same time, he believes it is important to maintain the competitiveness of Swedish companies.

“We need profitable companies that can afford the transition,” Jesper Gyberg says.

It is good that the European Union has agreed to a climate law, says Johan Rockstrom, president of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, but the ambition is not enough.

“With a reduction of 55 per cent, it would seem that the European Union bears more responsibility than the rest of the world. But since the European Union has already reduced its emissions by about 24 per cent since 1990, today’s decision only means actual emissions cuts of only 30 per cent between 2020 and 2030. This is very little, unfortunately, ”

The widely divergent interests of European Union states have often impeded negotiations, with the large German car industry and Poland’s reliance on coal as just two examples.

German Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer of the conservative CSU has warned the European Union against setting emissions limits that the auto industry cannot meet.

“You have to be courageous with the requirements, but keep in mind the principle of the technology that is possible. We must not lose the automobile industry in Europe, because it will then move elsewhere,” he said in early April according to Dr. News AgencyPalestinian Authority.

Climate can be one A controversial issue in the next German government over whether the CDU and its sister party CSU need the help of the Greens to hold on to power when Angela Merkel resigns.

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The new candidate for chancellor in the CDU / CSU party, Armin Laschet, is trying to defend the remnants of the coal industry in his state, North Rhine-Westphalia. The Greens are working with top candidate Analina Burbock on tougher emissions requirements.

The balance of power may also tip after the September elections. The Greens are now the largest party, according to a survey conducted on Tuesday, after the two were named chancellor candidates. Greens are at 28 percent and CDU / CSU at 21 percent, according to their survey Forsa.