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The first cargo ships make their way to the long and dangerous African route – the SWR3

The first cargo ships make their way to the long and dangerous African route – the SWR3

The biggest “Ever Given” in the Suez Canal did not come. The United States wants to send a naval team to help. Some shipping companies are already trying to avoid traffic jams on the African route.

The U.S. military has offered to help free the container ship “Ever Given” on the Suez Canal: White House spokesman Jen Zhaki said a team of U.S. Navy experts could be sent to the Suez Canal soon.

It is not yet clear how they will change the situation. But US President Joe Biden told reporters: “We have equipment and capabilities that are not available in most countries. Let’s see how we can help here. “.

An unnamed U.S. Defense Department spokesman said the team could leave the U.S. naval base in Bahrain on Saturday if Egypt made a formal request.

Pirates and the Long Way: The first cargo ships make their way to Africa

The first shipping companies of more than 200 cargo ships are already remodeling their ships on the longest and most dangerous voyage around Africa. It is several thousand kilometers long and can cost up to ten days to ship. However, the main problem is pirates, who can hijack such ships.

Can’t help the United States either: The U.S. Department of Defense spokesman said the U.S. military can provide advice and support to crews of ships that decide to sail around Africa because of the blockade of the canal. “We can certainly advise, but not all of them can be taken away. “.

The Guardian: Shipping companies are looking for alternatives to the Suez Canal, where the container ship Evergreen is stranded, with many ships sailing long distances around Africa.

Will “Always Given” still have weeks to recover?

It was said on Friday that the siege of the Suez Canal could be dragged on for “weeks”: Bose boss Peter Bertowski on Thursday said the 400-meter-long ship’s bow to the “Newsur” station and was pushed up the sides of the canal. “Always given” as “Like a huge isolated whale“.

The siege also threatens distribution in Germany

The accident could also lead to supply disruptions in Germany. This is an assumption made by the German Industrial Federation. Deputy CEO Holger Lோsch said even a week’s delay could lead to problems in the automotive sector.

Tractors and excavations have so far failed

The 400-meter-long container ship has been blocking the Suez Canal, one of the world’s most important waterways, since Tuesday. The cargo ship sailed under the Panamanian flag. Tugs and excavations have so far tried in vain to re-float the cargo.

A small-looking excavation

A small-scale excavation works on the “always given” release.

Image Alliance / dpa / Suez Canal Authority | –

The supervisor operating the canal announced Thursday evening that the ship would have to remove 15,000 to 20,000 cubic meters of sand to remain loose. According to the company’s own information, it generates 2,000 cubic meters per hour – so the ship should be free soon.

However, according to Berdowski, the ship’s enormous weight is in the sand on both sides of the canal. “We have to work with a combination of weight loss by getting containers, oil and water from the ship, using tugs and weighing sand“, said.

Different messages from the ship owner

Japanese newspaper Nikki On the other hand, owner Shoi Kisan was quoted as saying that “Ever Given” may be ready to go again on Saturday. However, the owner’s spokesman spoke to Reuters news agency very cautiously. Work is underway to re-float the tanker. “We have no forecast of when the work will be successful.”

Suez Canal: One-third of the world’s container size goes here

According to experts, nothing like this has happened in the 150-year history of the canal. The accident has dangerous consequences: on Thursday evening, more than 200 cargo ships were stranded behind the ship.

About 30 percent of the world’s container size and twelve percent of all goods are shipped through the canal. A card from Thursday is here. Ships in traffic are shown in yellow and orange dots:

Mersk, the world’s largest container shipping company, is testing whether to ship its ships around the southern tip of Africa with additional travel time of up to six days, according to its own information.

The German Ship Owners’ Association warned of the consequences of a long siege. “It’s like a complete shutdown of a big German autobahn. No matter how long it takes, the consequences will be very clear“, His spokesman Christian Denso said in an interview with SWR3:

This satellite image of Planet Labs Inc. in the Suez Canal


“It takes up to ten days around the Cape”


“Always given” owner: “We are very sorry”

Sure, the first tugs from Wednesday are trying to float the giant ship again, but in vain. Experts believe: It may be two more days before the path through the Suez Canal becomes clear again – at least. However, some experts talk about weeks.

The ship’s owner apologized for blocking the ship. “We are very sorry that we are so anxious to have ships sailing or planning to sail on the Suez Canal“The Japanese company Shoi Kisen said on Thursday that they are working with the Egyptian authorities to get the ship as fast as possible, but it is very difficult.

Wind? Is the power out? No one knows how the Suez crash came about

And the reason? No one knows her yet. The shipping and logistics company GAC said the container ship had a power outage. Shipping manager Bernhard Schultz Ship Management (PSM) denied it.

Taiwanese shipping company Evergreen Marine told Andhra News that “Evergreen” was hit by strong winds and was therefore pushed ashore. An Egyptian official issued similar statements.

Christian Tenzo, a spokesman for the German Ship Owners’ Association, told SWR3 that strong winds could be the cause of the accident. This is because the large cargo ship provides enormous contact areas for air.

A cargo ship blocks the Suez Canal in Egypt (Photo: Reuters)


Christian Tenzo: Strong winds may have caused the cargo ship to crash


Oil prices rose 6 percent after a cargo accident on the Suez Canal

As the Suez Canal is blocked, some goods from Asia can no longer be transported to Europe and the United States. This is having a detrimental effect on the world economy. Because the products are about crude oil – on Wednesday its price has already risen six percent.

Is fuel becoming more expensive now?

About ten percent of all oil products from the Middle East and Asia are transported to Europe and the United States via the Suez Canal. Eight percent of all gas products on the world market are transported in the same direction.

If it takes too long to recover the cargo, it will have an impact on petrol and diesel as well. If the Suez Canal does not open soon, there will be a shortage of crude oil in Europe. That would make the fuel more expensive. But: According to ARD Stock Exchange Studio, oil reserves in Europe will last about two weeks. However, the goods should arrive as soon as possible.

Freighter was on his way to Rotterdam

When “MV Ever Given” ran into the Suez Canal on the way to Routerdam.

So, #SuezCanal is blocked … The largest container ship EVER GIVEN is stuck in the worst possible way. Has been going on for hours. Every tug of war in Egypt seems to be trying to pull it off for free. Ship Tracker:

Why is the Suez Canal so important?

About ten percent of all international maritime trade is transacted via the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) said about 19,000 ships crossed the canal last year with a total cargo of more than one billion tonnes. About 50 cargo ships pass through the Suez Canal a day.

Should it be impassable – as it is now – that cargo ships should return and sail all over Africa. Not only will this take more time, but it will also cost more for long distance transportation.

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