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The French Army is under investigation for warnings of the Civil War

The French Army is under investigation for warnings of the Civil War

Last week, the right-wing conservative newspaper Valeurs Actuelles published one Discussion article Entitled “In order to restore the honor of our rulers”.

And he warns of three trends that are said to lead to the “disintegration” of France: anti-racism, Islamism, and the demonstrators’ attacks on the police.

The article’s authors say that some anti-racism movements pose a threat, because “behind terms such as racism, ethnic nationalism and decolonization they hide the hateful fanatics who want to start a racist war.”

Between the two sites About two dozen registered retired generals, but also “about a hundred high-ranking officers and over a thousand soldiers”, Valeurs Actuelles chose not to be named. Another site, Places Armes, was published later In version With the names of 1,500 active and retired soldiers, they signed the open letter (the site is managed by one of the former signed soldiers).

Francois Le Quanter of France promised to open an investigation and take disciplinary measures against the active army that signed the corresponding article.

Francois Le Quanter of France promised to open an investigation and take disciplinary measures against the active army that signed the corresponding article.

Photo: Joel Saget / AFP

At the end of the text, a warning was made that if the government did nothing, it would lead to “an explosion and interference of our fellow activists, with the risky task of protecting our cultural values ​​and protecting our fellow countrymen on the lands of the country.”

The signatories stressed that there is no time to waste because if “weakness” continues, the war will put an end to the growing chaos, and the number of dead will be in the thousands, and you will be responsible for it. “

Shortly after publication Right-wing extremist Marine Le Pen praised the two sites.

I sign your analysis and share your anger […] “I want to invite you to participate in the next battle, the political and peace battle that we intend to fight for our country, France,” wrote Le Pen, who is running for the presidency next year. It is on par with Emmanuel Macron in the polls with about 25 percent of voter support.

The Socialist Party candidate in the last presidential election, Benoit Hamon, reacted strongly to what he saw as a “threat of a coup.” Even the leader of the radical left wing, Jean-Luc Melenchon – who garnered about 10 percent of voter support ahead of next year’s elections – has come to the surface.

How is it possible that the government is not working? Millenchun asked himself.

Prime Minister Jean Castex condemns the military debate article.

Prime Minister Jean Castex condemns the military debate article.

Photo: Gonzalo Fuentes / AFP

It was quiet for about a week From the French government, this may be due to the fact that the matter has been investigated by the French security service. On Wednesday, however, Prime Minister Jean Castex pulled the magazine out of his mouth.

– I condemn this initiative which is completely inconsistent with our republican values, honor and principles of the army. But our defensive strength is not involved in this, Castex said, these generals only represent themselves, and Marine Le Pen was vehemently criticized at the same time for not distancing herself from the script.

according to Opinion poll By Harris Interactive on behalf of LCI, up to 58 percent of the French support the military that wrote the debate article. What’s more mysterious is whether they really agree with everything on the content. But according to the survey, 49 percent of those surveyed believed it was right for the army to intervene to maintain order “even if the government did not ask for it.”

French Minister of Defense Florence Parly and Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Francois LeCointer have now announced that disciplinary action will likely be taken against 18 active military personnel, at least four of whom are officers, who have signed the text. About twenty reserve officers are also said to be under investigation and may be subject to penalties.

It is not yet clear what the penalties are, but according to Lecointre, in some cases there may be a separation and a ban on wearing uniforms.

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