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The nurse in the movie exposed fake vaccine doses

The 58-year-old nurse emptied the syringe into a tissue before pretending to administer the dose into her arm.

Everything was captured by the secret police camera.

The woman then admitted that she belonged to a Sicilian association that repairs covid cards for antivirals.

Evidence against the nurse helped police uncover the people behind the shameless fraud.

For a fee of a few thousand kroner, people who really do not want to be vaccinated can go to the reception in the center of Palermo and get a fake dose.

The nurse emptied the syringe into a tissue before pretending to administer the dose to her arm. Then the vaccination was recorded in the digital system and the person can sign the covid passport which gives access to travel, bars, gyms, cinemas, restaurants, The guard writes.

A ‘Green Corridor’ is required with proof that you have been vaccinated against COVID-19 in many places in Italy, including restaurants, theaters and museums. Since December, the police have the right to check whether customers sitting in restaurants or bars have a passport confirming that they have either been vaccinated or have recovered from the virus.

Dark and misleading plane

The 58-year-old, who now faces trial, has pleaded guilty and is now cooperating with the police. Details of the fraud have been revealed and police have given the names of those behind the scheme.

In her interrogation, she said that she gave false doses because she needed money for her son who is studying at university. The woman also took a fake refill potion herself.

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– We’ve exposed the dark and misguided scheme of fanatical anti-vaccination fanatics who don’t hesitate to break the law, according to police. Sicily in the current situation.

The investigation also unfortunately revealed that we still have unvaccinated healthcare staff working near patients in hospitals.

The Italian nurse was filmed on film as she sprayed the vaccine into a handkerchief – then pretended to inject the patient. People have to pay expensive money for the service.

Empty the syringes in the trash

This 58-year-old is the second nurse from the same hospital in Palermo to end up behind bars for vaccination and fraud. In late December, the Sicilian police blew up a gang in which dozens of people, including a police officer, were paid for fake potions.

Italia, which has long struggled against endemic corruption and the infiltration of organized crime in the public sector, appears to be particularly affected by the coronavirus vaccination fraud.

Earlier this week, a nurse in Ancona was caught on camera giving an empty syringe. I emptied the potions into a litter box before pretending to give people the injection. She is believed to have given 45 dummy doses before it was revealed.

According to investigators in this case, the antivirals must have paid up to 3,000 SEK to cheat a Covid passport without actually having the vaccine.

However, regulators are not behind all attempts to obtain the paperwork to take the vaccine without having to take the dose.

Criminal gangs make money selling fake coronavirus cards or fake vaccine doses to people who don’t want to get vaccinated. Italy, which has always had major problems with corruption in the public sector, is working hard to tackle them.

Prosthetic arm dentist

A 50-year-old dentist in the northern Italian city of Biella made headlines in December when he attempted a graft wearing a fake arm made of silicone.

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However, the nurse became suspicious when she touched her arm and asked the dentist to take off the jacket. The plan was revealed and the man then tried to persuade the nurse not to report the incident.

Later, the guy was really vaccinated.

Italy, like most European countries, has seen a significant increase in infections since the introduction of Omicron. But in recent days, the number of new cases has begun to decline after its peak on January 11, when more than 220,000 cases were reported.

Health passports showing evidence of vaccination, a negative coronavirus test or COVID-19 antibodies are needed to be able to work, travel on public transport or socialize with others in restaurants in Italy for example. Many are skeptical about it. This is French scientist and 2008 Nobel Prize winner in medicine Luc Montagnier and Italian journalist Gianluigi Paragon during a passport protest in Milan on Saturday.

Several Italian regions are currently classified as a “red zone” after the sharp increase in the number of infected and the number of critically ill. The Italian police, “Carabinieri”, are involved in monitoring these areas. Photo from Milan.