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The Pope told theologians: Go further, Tradition is not about backwardness

The Pope told theologians: Go further, Tradition is not about backwardness

On Thursday, November 24, the Pope welcomed the members of the International Theological Commission into the audience and presented them with three guidelines: creative fidelity to tradition, openness to contributions from various disciplines, and collegiality.

Katharina Agurelios – Vatican City

Pope Francis accepted him International Theological Commission In attendance on Thursday, November 24, she initially thanked her superior, Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, SI for his kind opening remarks.

Opening to the Voice of the Holy Spirit

And the Pope’s gratitude for the authority of the body

Then the pope crossed over in his message From Gratitude for the commission’s generosity, competence, passion, and appreciation for the three themes the commission explores: the fruitful significance of the Christological faith proclaimed by the Council of Nicaea on its 1700th anniversary (325-2025); An examination of today’s anthropological questions of vital importance to the journey of the human family, in light of the divine plan of salvation; and deepening creation theology from a Trinity perspective, by listening to the cries of the poor and the earthly.

“You are called to do so in the footsteps of the Second Vatican Council, which – sixty years after its creation – constitutes a sure compass for the Church’s journey,” the Church in Christ is a kind of sacrament, a sign and a sign. instrument for the most intimate union with God and the unity of all mankind ”(Vat. II, Dogm. const. on the Church Lumen gentium, n. 1).

Three guidelines

The Pope gave his guests three guidelines “at this historic time, a difficult time, but for the eyes of faith, laden with promise and hope that flows from the Easter of the Crucified and Risen Lord”: Creative fidelity to tradition and openness to contributions from various disciplines And the fellowship.

“Be careful not to back off”

Creative fidelity to traditionIt is a matter of embodying the Gospel all over the world, the Pope explained, and in a new way all the time. The Pope emphasized that Tradition, which is the root of faith, either grows or dies. He cautioned against looking backwards as movements seek fidelity to traditions that do not allow them to grow over time. “You theologians can think a little about how you can help in this regard,” said the Pope.

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Opening up to contributions from various disciplines, the Pope said, It is about deepening the Gospel and its culture, by being cautiously open to consultation with experts, even non-Catholics.

finally, fellowship It is of particular importance in connection with the Synodal Process 2021-2024, in which all God’s people are called to participate.


“Theologians must go further,” the pope explained. The pope explained that the catechist must give the correct teaching, without news, while the theologian can go so far as to make theology clearer, and then it is the magisterium that prevents him, adding that this distinction is not his but comes From Saint Ignatius the Apostle. Loyola.

Finally, the Pope wished the International Theological Commission a calm and fruitful work in the spirit of mutual listening, dialogue, common discernment, and openness to the voice of the Holy Spirit.