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The United States wants to repeal the patent law for a vaccine against COVID-19: “Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures” |  Foreigner

The United States wants to repeal the patent law for a vaccine against COVID-19: “Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures” | Foreigner

The United States wants to revoke the patents for a Covid-19 vaccine to make the vaccine available to more people and intensify the global fight against the epidemic.

American commercial actress Catherine Tine wrote on Twitter that extraordinary times required exceptional action. She adds that the United States will negotiate with the World Trade Organization to get rid of patents.

According to Tien, the administration firmly believes in intellectual property rights, but in order to end the epidemic, it supports the abolition of patent protection for the Covid vaccine.

The head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, praised the US decision on Twitter. He said the decision was an example of US leadership in fighting the epidemic.

Patent protection is a delicate issue – the changes require consensus among WTO member states

Controversy over patent protection for vaccine manufacturers gained momentum during the pandemic, as vaccine production was in the hands of a few pharmaceutical companies.

Patent protection is governed by international legislation and agreements, including the WTO TRIPS Agreement.

India and South Africa suggested to the World Trade Organization in October that some intellectual property rights, such as patent protection, should be revoked for Coronavina vaccines. The proposal was supported by many developing countries.

The catastrophic spread of infection in India has made this issue very topical once again.

But the question is difficult, as changes to the rules of the World Trade Organization require consensus among member states. Several countries with a strong pharmaceutical industry have opposed the proposal to repeal patent law.

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Some critics also argue that vaccine production is a complex process and that loosening of intellectual property rights does not automatically lead to increased vaccine dosage production.

WTO spokesman Keith Rockwell says the organization will address the issue this month, ahead of an official meeting on June 8 and 9 this year.

Sources: AP, New York Times.