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They discover a new planet so young that it hasn’t left the “womb of matter” yet |  to know

They discover a new planet so young that it hasn’t left the “womb of matter” yet | to know

Discover an international team of researchers new planet So small that it hasn’t come out of the ‘womb’ yet. by the matter in which it is formed; It is the smallest protoplanet discovered so far.

This is an exoplanet similar to Jupiter called AB Aurigae b- sMail forms at a great distance from its star (93 times the average distance between Earth and our Sun); Its description was published in the journal Nature Astronomy.

According to scientistsIts location and patterns of surrounding matter They suggest that an alternative method for planet formation may be in the works.

Specifically, the discovery supports the idea that giant planets could be made up of large chunks of gas that collapse through gravitational instability, rather than just the standard model used to explain Jupiter’s formation: core accretion.

In the Standard Model of planet formation, a large gaseous planet similar to Jupiter begins as a rocky core in a protoplanetary disk around a young star, rRemember a statement from the National Institute of Natural Sciences in Japan.

This core then accumulates gas from the disk and becomes a giant planet.

Although this model Works well for planets of the solar systemhas trouble interpreting exoplanets that have been discovered around other stars at distances much greater than the orbit of Neptune, the outer planet in the Solar System.

The The gas giant planets of the solar system, Jupiter and Saturnorbited at a distance of 5 to 10 astronomical units (au) from the Sun, one au is the average distance between the Earth and the Sun.

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However, a small minority of giant exoplanets hThey are photographed at distances between 50 and 200 astronomical units from their stars.. It is suggested that these exoplanets were created by a process known as disk or gravitational instability.

researchers Note the composition of AB Aurigae B Using the Subaru Telescope in Japan and the Hubble Space Telescope.

The team appreciates it Its mass is nine times that of Jupiter It suggests that several planets could orbit the host star.

“This studio It sheds new light on our understanding of difference Methods of planet formation,” summarizes Thane Corey, lead author of the article.

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