NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) Hubble Space Telescope has captured an image of the “dangerous dance” of two merging galaxies, according to the US space agency.
it’s about Two spiral galaxies are 100 million light-years from Earth: NGC 5953 (pictured below) and NGC 5954. Because they are “highly intertwined” scientists have given them a common name: Arp 91.
ARP 91esenta A particularly vivid example of galactic interaction. The image shows that NGC 5953 is pulling on NGC 5954, as NASA explains.
“The gravitational pull of the two galaxies makes them interact,” says the US space agency, explaining that this type of interaction phenomenon is “common,” as well as “an important part of the evolution of galaxies.”
As it shows Collisions between spiral galaxies can lead to the formation of other types of galaxies, known as elliptical galaxies. However, massive and very powerful mergers occur over timescales of hundreds of millions of years, so we shouldn’t expect Arp 91 to look different in the near or mid-range future, as NASA asserts.
(With information from RT in Spanish)
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