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To be honest about the separation of Barbara Kurtz-Sadan Kesivska and Strojkovsky.  She revealed what she thought about it!  :: Magazine :: RMF FM

To be honest about the separation of Barbara Kurtz-Sadan Kesivska and Strojkovsky. She revealed what she thought about it! :: Magazine :: RMF FM

Although Victoria Kacievsky and Adam Strojkovsky were considered a perfect couple, unfortunately their relationship ended some time ago. The cast shocked many, including Barbara Kurtez-Satan, who appeared alongside Strojkovsky on the show “Looks Like Your Face”. The star decided to talk about the breakdown of their relationship.

After the “Dancing with the Stars” final on Monday, the media spread Rumors of the separation of Victoria Kesiuska and Adam Strojkovsky. The 22-year-old said he went to a party after the show aired, where She became entangled in the company of a dancer named Jacob Lipovsky. The speculations of internet users were actually triggered Adam stopped following Victoria on Instagram. For some time, interested people have not commented on their relationship. They did it just when the media storm was blowing.

Zdrójkowski was initially silent on the matter. The star of “” agreed on one of the portals The feeling of connecting him with Gąsiewska has faded. A few hours later, Victoria confirmed the media rumors and revealed them to the public Some time ago, along with Adam, they decided to separate. The news of the end of their romantic relationship shocked many because the couple was considered one of the most enduring in the Polish show business.

Barbara Gurtej-Sadan comments on the split between Kaczyuska and Strojkovsky

The breakdown of the relationship between Adam Zdrójkowski and Wiktoria Gąsiewska came as a shock. Barbara Gurthez-Satan, Which will appear with the actor in the latest installment of the show “Your face looks familiarThe star of the “M jak miłość” series showed support for Adam in an interview with Pomponik because he knew it. It was not easy for him. In addition, she greatly appreciates him for his professional approach to work.

I think this is not easy for him, but he is very brave, above all he is very professional and when he comes here he is focused on his work and what he has to do, and he does everything well. – She agreed.

Barbara Kurtz-Satan did not hide her sympathy for Zdrójkowski. She revealed that he is a very nice and smart guyHe is very appreciative.

Adas is a very nice, valuable and intelligent guy. I really appreciate him – She said.

The actress did not hide her disappointment at the separation of one of the most popular couples in the Polish show business. Pomponic agreed I hope Wiktoria Gąsiewska and Adam Zdrójkowski will reunite one day!

This relationship is a long way, full of compromises, you have to forgive yourself. All you have to do is have it. If two people want to be together, as time goes on, anger passes and you can fight each other. I wish them that. Such a beautiful couple – She added.

Victoria Kesiuska broke the silence! The actress released a statement in which she confirmed the rumors

Victoria Kisiuska spoke for the first time about her relationship with Adam Strojkovsky. After the “Dancing with the Stars” finale, a media scandal erupted because the actress was seen partying at someone else’s company. Now officially …

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