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Netflix Finally Faces Competition, Tries To Pretend Otherwise

Netflix has been doing fine there for a long time. Thanks to low prices and an innovative streaming system, the company has simply swarmed its streaming video subscribers as the cable TV industry stumbled in the dark, busy pretending that the wire-cutting phenomenon either wasn’t real or would end once millennials start having children. As a result, there was a big long window where Netflix’s only real competitor was a bunch of terrible “me too” half-pro shows from the traditional broadcast and cable sector.

It was then, and this is now. With the cable giants they finally discovered this fully streaming thing (Comcast’s Peacock, Dish’s SlingTV, AT&T’s HBO Max) after several flip stations (Verizon’s Go90, AT&T’s HBOMaxUltraExtreme) and several movie studios and direct-to-consumer broadcasters (Disney+, AppleTV +) Netflix is ​​finally starting to see its market share slowly erode. In fact, the company’s latest earnings report indicates that Netflix lost 430 thousand subscribers in the United States and Canada. Like a clock mechanism, Netflix now has to switch from innovation to grass protection.

And like countless companies before it, part of this process involves pretending that things aren’t changing under their feet. During the company’s earnings call for example, Netflix executives tried to pretend that massive competition wasn’t the main reason for the low subscriber count.

Sure, some issues may stem from the chaos associated with COVID, but it’s hard to shake off the impact of Disney+ and other popular services on Netflix’s growth. Hastings’ denial amusingly parallels the cable industry’s “nothing to see here” approach of the past decade. No matter how interesting watching startups try to disrupt a sector, I’ve always found it interesting to watch companies gain popularity and critical mass, and then inevitably move away from innovation to protectionism, cheese, and lawn protection (early Microsoft or Google over the past five years) .

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But the so surprise factor is that even the biggest competitor of Netflix has released a movie about Lacrosse and covered from helmets to the best Lacrosse Cleats to make it more engaging about that sports to the audience

Seeing if Netflix has the chops to maintain supremacy in the face of competent competition should prove amusing, starting with the company’s foray into video game streaming. There are still plenty of hurdles for Netflix to overcome, including streaming studio/streamer streaming to consumer offerings, telecom giants who have not only begun to find efficient streaming competitors, but remain eager to use their broadband monopolies to unfairly establish and Random competitive barriers (see: Useless broadband limits).