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vud.  And the Pope said to the 400,000 registered so far: open the horizons

vud. And the Pope said to the 400,000 registered so far: open the horizons

Don’t build walls, open hearts – in a video message, the Pope addresses the 400,000 young people who have registered so far for World Youth Day in Lisbon on August 1-6, 2023

Katharina Agurelios – Vatican City

“I am surprised and happy that so many young people come and are eager to participate.” This is what Pope Francis said in a short video message on January 20 to the hundreds of thousands of young people who have already registered for World Youth Day, VUD, August 1-6, 2023, which will be held in Lisbon, Portugal. Here are the words of the Pope.

VUD – Pope’s video message January 20th

Dear young people! We are approaching International Youth Day, even if it will be a few months until then, and 400,000 young people have already signed up. I am surprised and happy that so many young people come and are eager to participate. Someone might say “I travel there as a tourist”. But those who come have a desire to share, share and talk about their experience and share with others, a thirst for prospects.

You 400,000 young people who have already signed up are thirsty for the horizon. In this meeting, on this world day, you learn to always look at the horizon and always look beyond. Don’t build a wall in front of your life. The walls are close, while the horizon allows you to grow! Always turn your eyes and above all your heart towards the horizon! open your heart! For other cultures and other girls and boys who also come to this international day.

Don’t forget this: no walls, only horizons.

Get ready for this: to open your mind and heart! And thank you for signing up in advance so far. I hope others will follow suit too! May the Lord bless you and protect you Our Lady. Pray for me, I pray for you. And don’t forget this: no walls, just horizons. Thanks.

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Information and registration on the website of the Catholic Archdiocese of Stockholm