WhatsApp already has more than two billion users around the world. The platform is owned by Facebook Inc Restless, because it recently launched the ability to make conference calls that allow people to join the live calls. What are the risks involved in this Application? We explain to you below.
Since August 19, WhatsApp has published the interesting tool that allows group chats: “Today we launched the function to join WhatsApp calls. If you are added to a group call or if you miss a call, you can join at any time,” Express the same CEO Facebook social networking siteAnd Mark Zuckerberg.
This will be a useful feature for those users who were late for a virtual meeting or were busy and reconnected with WhatsApp. “With this new feature, if someone doesn’t answer the call when the phone rings, they can still join later. Also, as long as the call is in progress, you can exit and re-enter whenever you want,” Describes the official blog of the application.
What are the new risks that come with group video calls on WhatsApp?
The new WhatsApp tool could allow more “uninvited” users in the contact list to snooze calls, which could invite in-app spying.
Group video calls on WhatsApp may be affected by cybercriminals from the same application.
“The bottom line is that if there is a stranger or malicious person in the WhatsApp group, he will not have any problem connecting to a call (…) the hacker does not need to wait for the call to start either, he can call anywhere for a moment”, explain Victor Chebyshev Kaspersky Principal Security Researcher.
With this caveat, it is important to stress that although WhatsApp is constantly updating its privacy and security filters, this application is not immune to a possible attack by cybercriminals by hacking a virtual virus or using a phishing strategy (identity theft) .
In addition, if the device is infected with a virus, it can make recordings through the device’s microphone and camera, allowing cybercriminals to listen in on any conversation. Whether it is a messaging app or a regular mobile phone call, Chebyshev added.
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