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What is missing from James Webb to be science ready?  Teach me about science

What is missing from James Webb to be science ready? Teach me about science

Technical rendering of the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope. (Credit: Northrop Grumman).

The James Webb Space Telescope is the largest, most powerful and complex space science telescope ever built. Therefore, it is not easy to treat; It takes scientists about 6 months to polish the telescope already in orbit since January 2022. What is Webb missing to begin with scientific observations?

It’s not that something is missing, but as per the procedure followed there is still another step known as Device Startup. That is, it operates four powerful scientific instruments.

Webb has four main instruments, each of which can observe the universe in different modes. There are 17 different “positions” of the instrument that the team will review in the process before science begins. Once all 17 modes are approved, NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope will be ready to begin scientific operations!

According to a recent statement from the space agency, the NASA James Webb Space Telescope team is still working on all 17 science instrument modes. Figures (5) from the NIRCam variable time series and (4) the image time series, both used to study exoplanets and other time-varying sources, were approved last week; (12) NIRISS aperture interferometry cloaking mode, direct detection of a faint object very close to a bright object; (11) NIRISS Wide Field Spectroscopy for studying distant galaxies; and (9) NIRSpec Bright Objects Time Series for Exoplanet Study.

In total, seven modes have been approved so far, and there are still ten. On the website of Ayna Web Agency. Where’s Webb details the list of verified and pending modes.

Webb is expected to be ready before July 12, when NASA called us in to view the first scientific images of the new telescope.

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NASA, in collaboration with ESA (European Space Agency) and CSA (Canadian Space Agency), will release the first full-color images and spectroscopic data from the James Webb Space Telescope during a televised broadcast beginning in 10:30am EST on Tuesday 12th JulyFrom NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

Released one by one, NASA explains of the world’s largest and most powerful space telescope, Webb will show in full force, ready to begin her mission to unravel the infrared world. Each photo will be simultaneously published on social networks and on the agency’s website: Access by clicking here.

Tuesday, July 12 – photo release day:

  • 10:30 a.m. – Live coverage of the image broadcast will be broadcast on NASA TV, the NASA app, and the agency’s website. The audience will also be able to watch live on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Twitch and Daily Motion.
  • 12 p.m. – After the live broadcast, NASA and its partners will hold a joint information briefing at NASA Goddard. The summary will be broadcast live on NASA TV, the NASA app, and the agency’s website.

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