Xiaomi soon clarified that the new top-of-the-line Xiaomi 12S, 12S Pro and 12S Ultra smartphones will not be sold in Germany. Although there is a huge spectacle around smartphones all over the world, these are only models for China. So if you want Xiaomi 12S Ultra, you have to import it from China. You have to take a few things into consideration.


Xiaomi 12S Ultra import from China

The Xiaomi 12S Ultra is probably one of the most exciting Android smartphones this year. So it’s even more unfortunate The smartphone is not sold in Germany, but only in China. But this does not matter, because if you really want the smartphone, you can import it from China. Many have already done this with Xiaomi mobiles. Usually this is not the case, because smartphones always appear in Germany. This is not the case with the Xiaomi 12S Ultra and so the import from China is the only one that helps.

With TradingShenzhen, a first retailer has listed the Xiaomi 12S Ultra at euro prices:

  • Xiaomi 12S Ultra with 8 GB of RAM and 256 GB of storage for 1077 €
  • Xiaomi 12S Ultra with 12 GB of RAM and 256 GB of storage for 1177 euros
  • Xiaomi 12S Ultra with 12 GB of RAM and 512 GB of storage for 1,277 euros
Watch on TradingShenzhen

But beware: Prices have recently changed several times. It was initially low and has now risen significantly. Since the smartphone will only be available in China, This may lead to higher pricesif interest there is particularly high.

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The Xiaomi 12S Ultra focuses on the camera:

Xiaomi 12S Ultra: Das Leica Smartphone

What do you want to know about import

There are a few things to consider when importing the Xiaomi 12S Ultra.

  • Chinese version: You get the Xiaomi 12S Ultra in a Chinese version with the software for that country. Talk to a lot of apps, maybe unmodified software and limited LTE coverage, because LTE band 20 is not supported. Although TradingShenzhen includes an EU power plug, it probably won’t support the full potential of fast charging.
  • Import costs: The prices shown above correspond only to the prices of exclusive smartphones. Import duties apply. It really depends on the shipping method you choose. If you choose DHL Express, you will have to do all customs formalities by yourself and pay more. With Global Priority the store does it for you. However, shipping costs increase significantly.
  • guarantees: If you have problems with Xiaomi 12S Ultra, you can not contact Xiaomi, you can only contact the distributor in the first year. At worst, the cell phone should be returned to China and repaired there.

It is really a shame that Xiaomi does not officially offer the 12S Ultra in Germany. So if you really want the cell phone, you’ll have to import it and you’ll risk it. We do not recommend this.