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Where is the storm?  Updating IMGW alerts

Where is the storm? Updating IMGW alerts

On Thursday, June 9, the Meteorological and Water Management Agency updated its weather warnings. Dangerous weather warnings cover 14 provinces.

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The first level alerts are valid in the following Voiceships: Zachodniopomorskie, Pomorskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Wielkopolskie, Łódzkie, Śląskie, Podkarpackie, Lubelskie, Świętokrzyskie, They cover most or part of the districts. In this area, storms with a maximum rainfall of 20-35 mm and local hail are expected. The wind will blow at a speed of 75 km per hour.

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Secondary orange alerts apply to full ląskie and Ma³opolskie voivodships. Apart from them, these warnings are in practice in the western parts of the Podkarpackie, więtokrzyskie, Mazowieckie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie airwaves, and in practice in the eastern regions of Pomorskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie.Łvoskie.Łvoskie, and Ł Heavy thundershowers are expected at these places. During a storm, up to 30-50 mm of rain and hail can fall. The wind will blow at a speed of 75 km per hour.

In addition, IMWM issued the highest alert and red alert for Gołdap Poviat on the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. “There will be thundershowers. Occasionally there will be heavy showers of up to 60 mm in about an hour. Still possible. Km / h and hail “- we read in the report of meteorologists.

The exact locations of lightning strikes can be tracked on weather radars. One of them is available on the website.