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Why should you turn off iCloud backups ASAP

Why should you turn off iCloud backups ASAP

Cybersecurity expert Zach Duffman explained in A. Article Posted this Saturday in Forbes, the reason why the messaging service Signal or even WhatsApp (with cloud backups turned off) can be safer than iMessage with iCloud backups activated.

According to the specialist Apple can access iMessage content Although the messages are protected by the company’s end-to-end encryption structure. As Forbes reported earlier this year, Apple can decrypt and deliver iMessage conversations to law enforcement authorities when required by law enforcement.

The company also confirms,The encryption keys are held by Apple iCloud in their US data centers iCloud content, as it is in the customer’s account, It can be filed in response to a search warrant Issued after proving the probable cause or consent of the customer.

Dufman explains that while many find it justified to break end-to-end encryption in support of law enforcement, the problem is Any key or tailgate is a security weakness In the application, which must protect the personal data of its users.

The expert also noted that the Signal messaging app, for its part, does not offer any form of backup in the cloud, which makes end-to-end encryption unnecessary. This prevents you from being able to provide user content to the authorities. Even WhatsApp cannot crack its encryption even though it can access cloud backups for chats.

The specialist points out that when it comes to Apple, the situation is complicated, but a small change in the configuration of the phone can prevent the company from accessing iMessages, which could Dramatically improve the security of all that private information.

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If the user allows creating an iCloud backup on their Apple devices, the company will store a copy with iMessage end-to-end encryption. He compares, “It’s like closing the front door with leaving a key hanging clearly from a hook inside, just in case of an emergency.”

The Remove backup settings iCloud, a new end-to-end encryption key is generated on the device designed to protect future messages, which Apple will no longer store. However, he notes that disabling iCloud Public Backup can become an issue in case the user loses their phone.