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5G Play network where the place menu works

5G Play network where the place menu works

– At Play, I am responsible for building the network in three local districts: Lubuskie, Dolnośląskie and Wielkopolskie. As Play, we are actively involved in the digital development of these areas, which is why we are constantly expanding our network infrastructure – said Kamil Michalski, Director of the Regional Communications Office on the Play blog.

Access to the latest technologies will simplify many processes and will have a positive impact on the implementation plans of a number of initiatives and investments planned, for example, in my region. It includes plans for the development of e-management, e-services and e-commerce – list them.

5G network in Play – a list of cities in the Lubuskie, Dolnośląskie and Wielkopolskie regions:

Baczyna, Bierutów, Biskupice, Bogatynia, Bralin, Brzezie, Budzyń, Bystrzyca Kłodzka, Chocianów, Chojnów, Chomęcice, Chróstnik, Chrząstawa Mała, Chrząstawa, Wielka, Dbugooice, Goła, Golenóc, Głc , Jerzykowo, Kalisz, Kamieniec Wrocławski, Kamionki, Kąty Wrocławskie, Kłodawa, Kobylnica, Kołóde, Kotlinice, Mokrzeszów, Murowana Goślina, Mysłakowice, Nadolice Wielkie, Ol Nochowoerśnicwawa, Ołekółów, Okółeóski , Pzyceusow, Pirows, Psary Polskie, Radwanice, Skalmierzyce, Skulsk, Sława, Słotwina, Sobin, Stanowice (Strzegom commune), Stanowice (Oława commune), Stęszew, Strzegom, Szczodre, Szczykzeknezli, Szczytnica, Szczytnica, W. , Węglew, Wiry, Witoszów Dolny, Wrocław, Zaniemyśl, Ząbkowice Śląskie, Złotniki, Żerniki Wrocławskie

Play announces 5G coverage

Network operator Play has been implementing 5G since January last year. Based on available frequencies in the 2100MHz band. Telekom announced that by the end of July this year. The 5G network will support 2576 transmitters covering 35 percent. inhabitants of Poland.

At the beginning of July, Play announced that it was offering 49 5G-enabled devices.

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In the first half of this year. P4, the telecommunications network operator, posted PLN 3.636 billion in sales revenue, PLN 1.7 billion in EBITDAaL profit and PLN 5.3 billion in net profit. The net profit resulted mainly from the termination of the telecom company in April of this year. The sale of PLN 6.7 billion of its passive infrastructure to On Tower Poland, 60 per cent of the shares are owned by Cellnex Telecom, and 40 per cent. Iliad group.