Beautiful weather helps relax in the fresh air, which is why Kabaret star Moralny Niepokoju took his wife and 2-year-old daughter for a walk around Sopot. In the pictures, the three are radiant, all in great spirits and lazily walking along the picturesque city streets. At one point, the family decided to take a break from walking and sat down in a pub for lunch. Gorsky looked after his daughter tenderly all the time and smiled tenderly at his wife. You can see that he enjoys the time he spends with his relatives.
Friday evening, the first major TV festival after closing begins at Forest Opera in Sopot. Especially for Polsat viewers and Sopot fans, the most famous Polish artists will sing, and the cabarets will give the funniest skits! In one stage, Sana, Peta Kozydrac & Pajem, Kayah, Vicki Gabor, Duda, Bawi Dumagaja, Andrej Piaseczny, Swamir, Justina Szczkowska, Michal Szbak, Ira, Enig, Cortez, Pictos, Golix Orki Singra. Among the stars of the cabaret we will see: Kabaret Muralny Nebokogo, Robert Gorsky, Kabaret Modic Panov, Kabaret Anne Meru Meru, Kabaret Smile, Peter Patrushek and Jerzy Krizak. It is they who, living, from Sopot, will present two evenings full of energetic music, unforgettable emotions and a powerful part of good healthy humor!
– I am glad that the forest opera will again be filled with people – said Jacek Karnovsky, head of Sopot. – Whenever this year we celebrate the 120th anniversary of the city and the 60th anniversary of the Sopot festivals! Opera Forest has a rich festival history and is very popular with viewers. Artists, residents, our guests – we’ve all waited a long time for a real encounter, not just for internet culture. Polsat is a sure partner for good events, our cooperation in organizing the festival has been going on since 2003 and I am convinced that many years of joint projects lie ahead. I am pleased to invite you to Sopot!
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“Unapologetic communicator. Web nerd. Internet junkie. Gamer. Hipster-friendly entrepreneur.”
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