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A Swiss company to build an underground transmission network.  Things have to be done slowly but surely around the clock.

A Swiss company to build an underground transmission network. Things have to be done slowly but surely around the clock.

Swiss company Cargo Sous Terrain (CST) has developed a system that they hope will reduce freight transport on our roads in the future.

CST’s vision is to build an underground transportation network where electric pods continuously transport goods in a kind of electric pod. The idea is that the capsules will roll in 24 km/h tunnels built underground around the clock. You can check out how everything works a little closer in the video below.

CST states that it will build the first part of the system between Härkingen-Niederbipp and Zurich by 2030. Then it will be a tunnel system about 70 km long that must be built. By 2050, the CST hopes to have a network of more than 500 km, which will connect the two cities of Geneva, Saint Petersburg. Gallen, Basel, Lausanne, Lucerne, and Thun.

CommunityAnd the TransportationAnd the

Terrain sauce cargo, carrier, Switzerland


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Video of a Swiss company building an underground transmission network

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