At the end of the year, we received news that Activision Blizzard had decided to lay off most of Raven Software’s QA staff. Having recently joined forces with influencers, Activision Blizzard has now given up and is offering all of its internal QA staff full-time jobs.
In recent months, California-based publisher Activision Blizzard has always been available for negative titles. Most reports revolve around the work environment or allegations such as sexual harassment, discrimination and abuse of authority.
At the beginning of December 2021, we received a message that several QA employees at Raven Software had been laid off. Above all, the fact that the battle royal shooter developed by Raven Software has generated billions in sales and that many QA employees are responsible for it. seperate it They were persuaded to move with false promises, causing loud waves in return.
After her colleagues from Raven Software openly opposed layoffs provenThose affected by layoffs joined in February 2022 union. successfully, as current reports show.
Full time jobs and promised minimum wage
In a recent announcement, Activision Blizzard announced that all quality testers in its in-house studios will be offered a full-time contract. About 1,100 QA employees will become full-time employees as of July 1, 2022. The statement goes on to say that the affected employees were promised a minimum wage of at least $20 an hour.
More news about Activision Blizzard:
“Today we announced the conversion of all temporary quality assurance team members and US contractors at Activision Publishing and Blizzard — approximately 1,100 people — to full-time, permanent employees effective July 1,” Activision Blizzard officials said.
these: Bloomberg
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