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Rogue Trader – Details about the first cRPG in the series – CD-Action

Rogue Trader – Details about the first cRPG in the series – CD-Action

The world of Warhammer has so many games that an untrained person can get a headache from their list alone. Recently announced Warhammer 40.00: Rogue Trader However, it is distinguished by the fact that, according to the creators, it is the first cRPG in its history – simple, full of story and choices, without any quirks.

We didn’t know much about it, but the developers finally published their first “Development Magazine”. One of the creators, Olga Kellner, spoke in detail.

The game is an “isometric classic” with turn-based combat and a wide range of adventures. The player takes on the role of the title Rogue Trader – a descendant of an ancient pirate dynasty that used to plunder entire systems. Warhammer Han Solo revolves around the world, and his decisions change the course of history in many regions.

Warhammer 40,000 fans should also be pleased with the selection of comrades that are partly in the paperback handbooks. Generals, rebels, warriors – to choose from.

The creators also believe that the adventure will be great not only for beginners and fans of the universe, but also for enthusiastic players of the Rogue Trader card. Well, there aren’t many materials yet, but given their approach – it’s hard to doubt!

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